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Almost Lost It Today !


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OK this afternoon i was walking out of my bank watched a lady in a caddy pull in next to my truck. only leaving about maby 20 inches between them. then she opens her door slamming it into the side of my truck. as soon as it went bang i went off on her as she tried sliding out from between them. all she did was say oh sorry and keep walking away???? well not wanting to go to jail myself for beating her to death. i took down he plate number called my insurance company and the police. she came back out of the bank didn't even look my way or at my truck. as she slid into hers from the pass side to get back in and then drove off......... maybe i should have just took a pipe to hers while she was inside. but I'm not that kind of person. i just hate people that have no respect for others and there property............sorry had to rant and see if i really did do right Dale

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this is the exact reason i park far away in the middle of no where. i can walk and id rather not risk it . but in your case i would have probably not let her just walk away, i would have stopped her and made her pay up for the damage in some way or form.

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the sheriff did show up and take all the info down and is supposed to call me. its not that id did any real damage to the truck. i calmed down and looked really good and its just a scuff i can buff out. its the fact that the fat B@*$h didnt even act like she did anything wrong. i couldnt chase her down or confront her like i wanted to because if i would have gotten that close i would have really let her have it and been in big trouble. i did put my extra valve stim puller in the truck for the next time though ................

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that always ticks me off, i take care not to do that to other peoples cars (protecting mine as well).


i agree with chase, i usually try to park far away, or at least between 2 real nice car's.. because they will usualy watch out for there own, and if they dont at least i know they F%#ed up there ride too! :smash:

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Well the sheriff just called he is still waiting on the lady to call him. if she dosent then he is going to make out a personal property damage report and claim me as the victom. so i can turn in to my insurance and have them file against her. at the dealer today the liest she will get off with is 180.00 to have it buffed out they wont do just the spot she hit they said they had to do it all. so it would look right. oh and ive still got friends there so its gunna get a full detail as well. all on her dime. i wouldnt be such an a&& if she would have only acted like she gave a sh#t anyway.

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Chevycup,you did the right thing and people like that suck big time believe me i have been there thats why i park far from others like Chase suggested but theres always someone who winds up parking next to you by the time you get back to your truck.

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After the kind of reaction she gave you, I would have let her walk, as you did, then caved in her door with my foot!!! :fume: Furthermore, if she heard the noise and turned around or came back, I'd simply have said, "I guess my doors metal was a little stronger than your's. Nevermind....have a GREAT day."


I'd call that even, and a lesson learned for her.

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