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Almost Lost It Today !


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that always ticks me off, i take care not to do that to other peoples cars (protecting mine as well).


i agree with chase, i usually try to park far away, or at least between 2 real nice car's.. because they will usualy watch out for there own, and if they dont at least i know they F%#ed up there ride too! :smash:


I can't stand the ignorance of people like that. i know the first thing out of my mouth would have been, "are you fcensored.gifn stupid?" my size 13 would have come to mind too. angeldevil2.gif

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Yea i as well park away from everyone....You handled better than I would..its one thing to come out to a dent or scratch...but to actually see the dumbass do it...i would have lost it....and when she went in...left my mark on the same door of her vehicle...with my big ass foot...i give ya props

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you shoulda just backed out.... walked back beside her car and get her door until a nice big dent makes you feel better.... i try to always park away from people and i take up two parking spots




gotta watch out for taking two spots i have seen cars get keyed for the exact reason.


honestly though ever since i got my paint done i am very careful where i drive and where i park .

Edited by 04CHASE (see edit history)
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this is the exact reason i park far away in the middle of no where. i can walk and id rather not risk it . but in your case i would have probably not let her just walk away, i would have stopped her and made her pay up for the damage in some way or form.

yea but u cant even do that anymore. people see you parked far away and are like "who the hell does this guy think he is? thinks hes better than everyone, so hes parking far away?" then u come out and u have a 40 inch key mark along ur truck.


i personally would have pulled out and parked behind her and blocked her in. then called the cops so she couldnt go anywhere. thats just me though

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Sounds like you dealt with it appropriately.


Losing your cool and confronting her could have cost you way more than it was worth...


:withstupid: Kharma will get that beeatch, I would have been tempted to make a nice crease in her car with a friggin tire iron, but it isn't worth it, you did the right thing. 52.gifkick.gif

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Sounds like you dealt with it appropriately.


Losing your cool and confronting her could have cost you way more than it was worth...



I agree. As much as it drives me up the wall, I wouldn't want to make a bad situation worse. Let's say you retaliated and put a boot print in the side of their ride, you are no better than the type of person you can't stand. Besides, you did more damage by getting the athorities to handle it and making her pay the bill and there isn't a damn thing she can do about it! :thumbs:

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If she didnt' give a crap to bang her door into your car, she probably is one of those people who thinks that a vehicle is just a hunk of medal and she wouldn't even care if her car had a dent in it. Or maybe she has too much money and buys a new car every year.

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Thanks for the support everyone. last i heard from the sheriff was that she haddent gotten ahold of them yet. so hes is going to be writing me up a personal property damage report so my insurance can get the payment from hers. then ill be taking the SSS to my local dealer. and thanks to a friend or two there and her insurance ill be getting a full detail inside and out. as soon as it all gets done ill post up some pics. hopefully within the next couple of weeks. i really hate being an a$$ like this but i hate anyone to do damage to something thats not theres and act like its no big deal. hopefully she will think next time she parks.

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Well.. you've got a lot more self control than I do... I had the exact same thing happen in a mall parking lot back when I had my camaro... the bitch opened her door while I was still sitting in the car and smacked my door... didn't so much as acknowledge me. I jumped out and after throwing a stream of expletives at her she continued to walk away with the comment "Calm down its just a ****ing car" :pissed:


My wife (then girlfriend) was still in the passenger seat... I asked her to hand my the club (the steering wheel security thing) I pulled the long end out and proceeded to use it to cave in the hood of the bitches haggard Nissan Sentra.


She looked back at me in shock and said something to the effect of "You crazy ****!!" to which I replied




Of course I then had to leave before she decided to sit on my hood or something. Probably not the best way to react to the situation... I've calmed down a lot since my rampaging 17 yr old days.

Edited by Dylan06SS (see edit history)
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yea but u cant even do that anymore. people see you parked far away and are like "who the hell does this guy think he is? thinks hes better than everyone, so hes parking far away?" then u come out and u have a 40 inch key mark along ur truck.


i personally would have pulled out and parked behind her and blocked her in. then called the cops so she couldnt go anywhere. thats just me though


I had someone park a beat up/rusted '78 or so Dodge Diplomat about 6 inches away from my driver's side door when I had my '70 vette and had parked it in the back 40 of a grocery store parking lot. My workout partner and I sat down on the far side of his car with my hidden 9mm (YEAY, permit to carry laws), and waited for him to come back. I heard him coming and we popped up at the last second and said "HEY, YOU THINK YOU"RE FUNNY A-HOLE?" I thought the guy had nearly pissed himself!!! (little guy, 5'2", barely 140 dripping wet, wearing a NASCAR cut-off shirt) He dropped his case of beer and 2 or 3 cans burst open... Just then, a cop pulled in the lot and blipped his siren. He hopped out and asked what the problem was and I told him that I came out to find this guy's car parked 6" close to mine. The cop looked at us, then at him and said "Son, you just pissed off the Incredible Hulk and his little brother..." (my workout partner is 6'6" and 275 pounds lean mass and I'm 240 lean mass at 6'3"). Then he said "Did you have a little accident?"... remember when I said I had "thought" he had pissed himself... well he actually did! :crackup: The cop told us to get going and he would take care of it... "see you later Nascar!!!" I said.



I've calmed down a lot since my rampaging 17 yr old days.



Yeah, you moved on to "Calm down, it's just a backpack!" :crackup:

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Yeah, you moved on to "Calm down, it's just a backpack!" :crackup:


Hey now... that was a couple years ago and I've mellowed even more since then... if it were back in the day I probably would've made the little shit eat that ****ing backpack and been in a lot of trouble.


Another parking lot rampage recently was this weekend. Me, the boy, and wifey were at Target. I took my usual as far away as possible parking place. As we're leaving and headed towards the car theres a woman walking in front of us... she walks around the far side of the TB, but as she passes it she drags her shopping bag along my rear bumper. My wife saw me about to blow a gasket and said "your son is sleeping in the stroller, DO NOT make a scene"


So instead of running and tackling the dumb bitch waterboy style I followed her to her car, said:


"Excuse me, but you just drug your bag across the bumper of my vehicle. I realize you may not give a shit about your car, but I take exceptional care of mine and I don't appreciate it"


She just looked at me dumbfounded and said: "So what do you want me to do? Give you money?" in a really condescending tone.


I just chuckled and said "No... that won't be necessary b/c it looks like you didn't cause scratch it, but if you had done any damage I would drag you over there and use your ****ing face to try and polish it out... have a nice day"


She didn't have a response. I walked away and she sped off... I'm sure she thought I was off my rocker, but I doubt she'll do something like that again. Its not like I go looking for trouble, its just theres so many inconsiderate assholes out there and CA is so crowded its almost unavoidable.

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