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My Life Is Over


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OWCH!!! At least you came out of it okay though... You accident looks very similar to mine (actually, it's kind of scary how close it is damage wise)... It was 8k worth of damage for me, so your truck shouldn't be totaled... Good luck and I'm glad you came out of it okay!!!!

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Kim your ok and a verry special person to alot of people thats why your still here with everyone. keep your head up and get well. the truck can be fixed just dont let em do it half a$$. if not then get a better one and start posting with us all again.

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Good to see you came out o.k.,at least you werent hurt badly.If the truck is a total loss a dealer close to me just took an arrival blue 1 owner that is mint.It was a friend of mines uncle's and was garage kept and used sparingly.If you are interested I can email you the info.Get well and keep your head up,it will all work out in the end.

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Sorry to hear about that Kim...............The most important thing is you are still with us and that makes all the difference in the world.......The SS will be back better than ever in no time. Hang with us, and I'm sure with everybody here, we can walk you through it......................... :thumbs:.......If you need anything, don't hesitate to let us know.

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You've just had another obstacle thrown in your way.



Obstacles-Those scary things you see when you take your eyes off of your goals.


Body shops can work miracles, TRUST ME. It'll all work out. Better to lose a truck than you. (I know, I know, thats what everyone is saying,)

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Hey Kim! Sorry to hear the news and see the pics!!! I'm glad to hear that YOU are ok. Sure, you're alittle banged up but wounds heal. It could have been alot worse and I'm glad that it wasn't!!! As for the truck, it's just a setback. It will be taken care of in no time and looking better than ever! Just think, now you can finally install you lower grille when you get it back!


Keep us posted and don't be afraid to send a PM if you ever need to talk!

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