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Need To Vent A Little!


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:rant: Well as I posted before I'm suppose to be working from home but IT can't seem to get my laptop setup. I was an IT person my self in the past but now I program. I should have been working from home last week but now it looks like I'll be here till the end of this week at least and the drive from my new apartment is longer so I'm pretty pissed. Factor in the fact I had to drive my SS for 2 days because my little girl lost my keys and money is flying out the door on gas. Note to self: don't give Abby my keys anymore lol. I've got more to vent about but I probably won't post that till papers are signed. :eek: The rest of the year is going to suck so hopefully 2008 will be better.
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I know It started in April with my Dad having a massive Heart Attack. Then me in june screwing up my leg and being off for 2 months. Then September my mom having a mild Heart Attack. Then Bright Spot i got a raise and promotion then girlfriend losing job. This has been the BEST YEAR ever:banghead: :rollin:

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I don't EVEN want to re-cap my 2007 :ughdance: and the more people I talk to the more I believe nobody has had a really good summer-fall this year.



:withstupid: My whole summer has been an unusually low period... I being in such a weird slump... But winter's coming and I do love me some snowboarding!!!


:rant: Well as I posted before I'm suppose to be working from home but IT can't seem to get my laptop setup. I was an IT person my self in the past but now I program. I should have been working from home last week but now it looks like I'll be here till the end of this week at least and the drive from my new apartment is longer so I'm pretty pissed. Factor in the fact I had to drive my SS for 2 days because my little girl lost my keys and money is flying out the door on gas. Note to self: don't give Abby my keys anymore lol. I've got more to vent about but I probably won't post that till papers are signed. :eek: The rest of the year is going to suck so hopefully 2008 will be better.


Sorry to hear about that! You've gotta realize that most likely it's some freshly hired college punk playing with your laptop that doesn't give a damn about how much gas you're wasting... Hope it works out for you sooner rather than later though!!

Edited by Rausche (see edit history)
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More to vent about and it involves signing papers??? Divorce or buying a house? Hopefully it's the latter of the two!


It's the big D. I'll post more about that after all is said and done. I guess I'll be signing papers to sell the house also.

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It's the big D. I'll post more about that after all is said and done. I guess I'll be signing papers to sell the house also.

Keep your head up! Divorce can sometimes be a great thing. My divorce was single-handedly the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. It's expensive and it hurts, but in the long run it is great! Good luck with everything and let the divorce be the start of new chapter in your life in '08.

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2007.......whatever, just another year of crap you can't control, bring on 2008. :ughdance:


A buddy of mine who I went to college with and who was a member of a neighboring FD passed away sunday. Complications form an ATV accident 1 year ago, he was damn near a vegetable. RIP Eric Achiutto 10/28/07. :(

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The BID "D". Been there done that, I know things will turn for u soon fellow trucker. Heck Oct. always seems to be a BAD month for me over the past several years, and I love Halloween time!!! However, this year in OCTOBER to be exact, I married a fantastic woman I've dated for the last 2 years. She is bringing me my first child and we were just married last week.... IN OCTOBER!!


I'll pray for u.


When I was DRUG threw my divorce (3 years ago) it was EXTREMELY HARD for me too. It felt as if the walls of my life I had built up were crumbling down ON ME!! But today I'm a "richer" man. I am a much happier man.... It will turn for the better bro, just give God time.

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