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Mother F@#k The Lapd


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long story short...pulled me over said it was for tinted taillights...i notice a small tape recorder under his clip board....after recieving my fix-it-ticket i said "sir to my knowledge aren't you required by law to inform me that I'm being recorded?" although hard to believe i really did say it very politely...he said "hell no check with your lawyer" and sent me off. First off was i right about the recording issue?? also are tinted tails really illegal? i hate the Los Angeles police department.

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that sucks man...sory to hear that!



Not sure about CA, but here in NY the troopers conversations with the person pulled over are recorded, I believe. I got pulled over and got a ticket, and my explanation of why he pulled me over was printed on the ticket exactly how I said it, so I would guess it was recorded because it was a pretty long explanation, LOL. And they didn't tell me I was being recorded.


Probably varies state by state however.

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yeah man face the facts the lapd sucks and they'll pull u over for the smallest things, the smoked tails are illegal but most cops really overlook it when it's a light tint but they will pull u over just to be assholes... u just gotta get use to the fact that a cop might randomly pull u over, sucks but it is wat it is...



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Yeah...cops are dumb sometimes. I got pulled over a couple hours ago for the same reason-he said my tails weren't working. I have a line of fire b/c I was pretty sure my lights were too dark, and I installed it myself and made sure tails, brake, turns, rev all functioned on my led bar. When I mentioned my LED bar the cop then said "LED bars are for show use only and do not count as taillights". After mentioning that they are 50 state street legal and worked with all my taillight functions, the cop followed with "Well they didn't work that time." I think he needs to get his eyes checked...

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Yeah...cops are dumb sometimes. I got pulled over a couple hours ago for the same reason-he said my tails weren't working. I have a line of fire b/c I was pretty sure my lights were too dark, and I installed it myself and made sure tails, brake, turns, rev all functioned on my led bar. When I mentioned my LED bar the cop then said "LED bars are for show use only and do not count as taillights". After mentioning that they are 50 state street legal and worked with all my taillight functions, the cop followed with "Well they didn't work that time." I think he needs to get his eyes checked...


Aftermarket lighting does not count. Actual OEM lighting is all that matters. If the Brake lights are tinted, and you have a LOF ... so what, the trucks brake lights are all that matters ...

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Hey bro i've lived in L.A. my whole life and trust me if a cop see's a young guy driving a nice truck/car with nice wheels etc..... he's gonna look for a reason to pull you over. Dude i cant drive my caddy in certain areas of the valley without being pulled over asked to step out of the vehicle and asked for permission to search my truck dude ive even ran into some C.R.A.S.H. cops that look through all my contacts in my cell phone just to see if im involved with any of the gangs that their investigating. Its stupid but they gotta do it to somebody, Oh yeah after everytime i get searched when i get back into my truck it looks like a tornado just went through it! all my a/c buttons have been pushed all knobs and buttons have been played with, just so they can see if i got any hidden compartments........ If you think normal cops are a holes you wont belive how bad these C.R.A.S.H. cops are... I really dont have anything against cops i mean they are just doing their job but sometimes they take advantage of their power...

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The officer's right on the tape recorder.


Brake lights - the laws vary from state to state and the only thing you can do is look up the answer in your state's vehicle code.


CALIFORNIA - must have a red stop indicator at both the left and right rear corner of the vehicle visible 1000-feet (yeah that means in broad daylight :ughdance:) on vehicles made on/after 1969 (older vehicles can be 500-feet); you are also required to have two running light indicators (also red) visible at the same distance at night.


TEXAS is more lenient - on vehicles after 1960 you need a stop indicator at each rear corner of the vehicle (any shade between red and amber) visible at 300 feet in normal sunlight; two red running lights are also required and must be visible 1,000 feet at night. You must also have two red reflectors visible at night from 600 feet.


...That's what the law says...


The smart cops use the reflector argument to bust people on tinted taillights, because all states to my knowledge require red reflectors on all vehicles visible at 500-ft and this is always obscured by the tinting. Everyone forgets about the reflectors...


Line of Fire - in Texas they have cracked-down on people using a Line Of Fire as the sole tail/stop/turn light, arguing that the light must be present at each rear corner of the truck and they need to see a couple feel separating the left and right indicators :bs:, the Denton cops ride Pimp SS constantly for this and I have to agree with him it's B.S. but whatcha gonna do... :uhoh:


Mr. P.

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