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So I Get Pulled Over In Massachusetts

Tyler's Touch

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Very informative reply, and you were correct in every aspect. ...
Yeah unfortunately for me and fortunately for you (!) I've been in so many "roadside chats" I've honestly lost count. Cops are just people, like you and me; for the most part the average patrolman has a mindless, numbing grind of a job and they have NO care to bother you, or be bothered - they just want to do their job and move you along; this fact can really work in your favor btw but that's another topic. Anyways, my point being don't take a totally bad attitude towards LEOs in general just because of your run-in with this one hostile jerk, I can't say what this guy's problem is/was but his behavior was not only unprofessional but waaaayyyy out of character. Let it ride and we'll see what happens...


Mr. P.

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To me, you got away lucky. In Fresno, cops will pull from your truck handcuff to the bumper and go throw every inch of your truck. Just to find something, If they ask for permission, and you tell them no that gives them proof that you are hiding something and WILL tear your truck apart. All for not using your turn signal. That sort of thing is normal around here. And if you fight in court it your word against an Officer doing his job and service of the City.

Edited by ezclone (see edit history)
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