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So im driving home the other night and im cruising through a neighborhood and OUT OF NOWHERE...some IDIOT rolls there Pontiac Grand Prix out in front of me. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE MY TRUCK COMING? So i pulled some evasive manuevers off the shoulder of the road and onto another street. I missed the car buy MAYBE 3 inches.




This is a post to keep your heads up when driving...



people are stupid.

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Sounds like you kept your cool and didnt just slam on the brakes and freak out lol. I've had the same thing happen to me more than once on the same damn street at the same damn intersection. People are just stupid and out of all things I have amber drl and my truck is blue with white freakin decals! sometimes I yell but other times i let my truck do the talking, i guess thats why i go through so much gas :(

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Either they dont care that youe coming,which has happened to me alot or they are to busy yapping on the cell while driving their suburbans.I dont know about you guys but it seems to me that people like pulling out last minute,they will see you a mile away and not move but once you are right on top of them is when they make their move. :mad::fume:

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