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Dallas Cowboys Vs. Detroit Lions


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WOW, I just finished watching the Cowboys play against the Lions. That was one of the most emotional stressful games of the year for me. The Cowboys pulled it out there in the end though. :cheers: Now, I'm watching the Patriots Vs. Steelers game, and I'm hoping the Steelers beat the Patriots. :fingersx:

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WOW, I just finished watching the Cowboys play against the Lions. That was one of the most emotional stressful games of the year for me. The Cowboys pulled it out there in the end though. :cheers: Now, I'm watching the Patriots Vs. Steelers game, and I'm hoping the Steelers beat the Patriots. :fingersx:

:withstupid: , Pats are winning 14-3 though :banghead:

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I really wish that the Loins would have won that game. I hate the Cowboys and living in San Antonio thats all I hear about. I can't even think what its like to be in Dallas and have to deal with that all the time. Hope they have a bad year next year.

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Cowboys are a good team but that was some of the worst officiating I've seen this year. Clear pass interference on Dallas twice that didn't get caleed either time. First time would have put Lions on the goal line. Second one may have gotten them within field goal range. Then Jason Hansen misses a 35 yarder? What's up with that?


Dallas is a better team than Detroit but the Lions outplayed them today and should have won.

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Cowboys are a good team but that was some of the worst officiating I've seen this year. Clear pass interference on Dallas twice that didn't get caleed either time. First time would have put Lions on the goal line. Second one may have gotten them within field goal range. Then Jason Hansen misses a 35 yarder? What's up with that?


Dallas is a better team than Detroit but the Lions outplayed them today and should have won.



i agree with the PI but the end of the game was played well for the boys and as they say a win is a win. if i was a detroit fan id be pissed


btw foxformula , were coming for you!!! :jester:

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i have always been a lions fan!! but i always say, they could fu$k up a wet dream, and sunday they did.


up by 13 and BLOW IT! WTF is that? I didnt watch the game but i am hearing of some shi!!y officials! I will have to see the highlights!


now as long as we can beat the pack in Lambeau on the 30th my year will be a success!

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