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On The Fence About Getting A Bike


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rode my buddy's 05 honda cbr 600RR this morning and I was hooked!!! This afternoon I spent a couple of hours at the dealership negotiating on an 08 cbr600RR. Anyway, this would be the first bike I've ever owned and I just don't know. I wouldn't be able to tell my parents and riding bikes is just so dangerous...what should I do? I do want one, I just don't know if I can do that to my parents. Also my friends who I know truly care about me have all said NO to the idea (their reasons being that they don't want to have to read about my death in the newspaper etc.) What do you think? (especially to those of you experienced riders on here)

ES :flag:

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For your first bike buy a beat one... That way you get use to riding, and you have time to look at all your options on what to get. As long as you repsect the bike you should be fine. Don't try hot dogging till you are comfortable.. Everyone says they won't but there is always that one time..



I say go for it just put more thought into it than a few laps around th eblock..

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Crotch rockets are lots of fun to ride, however there always seems to be a temptation to open 'em up whenever you can. I don't have a problem with those who ride them and have never had a problem riding, however those who are ripping around on the street are asking for trouble IMO. The bikes feel so stable at higher speed that it makes the rider overconfident and when you lose respect for the bike that's when riders get into trouble/hurt/killed.


I preach to all my buddies who have bikes to always wear a helmet at the very least, because they WORK!


So basically Gear and riding WITHIN your skill/comfort level are my nuggets for this topic. I really wouldn't encourage someone to buy a NEW bike as a first timer. I would personally buy a clean used bike and become comfortable with riding before purchasing a new bike, there's no sense in buying something that will depreciate in value immediately when you drive it off the lot. Let someone else do that for you and buy used :)

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Don't do it. I don't know anything about bikes. But I do know that the crotch rockets are as dangerous as hell and scare the crap out of me. Someone I know recently was killed while riding his. He had a long straight stretch and let it rip, no traffic, and he was wearing a helmet. But something still went wrong and he wrecked. Actually there's been 4 people I know that have been killed on those damn things in the past year. It's not worth the risk.

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I would highly recommend against a 600 for your first bike. Now I now everyone says "600's are bad for a first bike", but take it from someone who bought a 600 for his first bike and learned the hard way that its too much bike. Its been 7 months since my accident and im still an estimated 5 months from full recovery. You look cool on a 600 and they're fun as hell, but that doesn't count for shit when you're laying on the side of the freeway, you see your bike in 100 pieces, your wrist is shattered and your leg looks like hamburger. Not trying to scare you, but bikes are extremely dangerous and i don't want to see anyone wind up a statistic. My opinion is think about it all winter and fall and if you are still dying (no pun intended) to own a bike go get one. Oh yeah, i also had taken the MSF class (i would highly recommend it). Good luck with whatever you decide.


I love bikes and will own another one someday soon, but you better believe I will have a much greater respect for the machine.


Since I know everyone loves pictures:




BTW just started riding again last month...cant beat that rush.

Edited by CHPTR13 (see edit history)
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i say go for it. Like these other guys have said though. RESPECT THE BIKE. And i also would definatley recomend buying one used for the first time. That way IF you do lay it over then the thought " I just laid over a BRAND NEW BIKE" isnt going through your head




Good luck with your decision!

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I used to work for a Honda dealership


Don't buy a new one as a first bike. Don't finance it through the dealership. You WILL crash it. I've been racing for 3 years and riding sportbikes for 8 and the one cliche' that it ALWAYS true it "There are 2 types of motorcycle riders, ones that have crashed, and ones that are going to"


Look on craigslist - or PM me what you want. I buy/sell salvage bikes and fix them up. I've got about 10 of them in my shop right now.


Oh, and TAKE THE MOTORCYCLE SAFETY COURSE!! Dont just go get your license at DMV...

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I have had 2 crotch rockeys and now own a Harley, so I completely understand the appeal of owning a bike. Let's think about this for a minute.

At this point in your life, with everyone who really knows you but us telling you not to do it, as well as the emotional termoil you're in over it, does

it really sound like a great idea right now? Having to hide it from your folks and all, I don't know man. They are great fun, but regardless of what you

ride, your biggest danger is one of two things: being over confident in your abilities, and other drivers not paying attention. Do what is right for you

and don't let the excitment cloud your judgement. If you get one, great. Be careful and remember, especially with crotch rockets, the bike is capable

of way more than you are, meaning maybe only 10% of the people who ride them can ride them to their full potential. It is a street legal race bike after all.

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It's up to you whatever you decide to do.......I have seen too many motorcycle accidents being a first responder, I will say the more serious accidents were ones involving Rice Rockets. If you are getting the bike so you can fly down the shoulder of the freeway at 120mph around traffic like they do here, I would think twice(not saying that you will, just making a point). If you are gonna get one, get it for the right reasons, and do wear you helmet and safety gear. :chevy:

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Mr. breeze makes some great points. I also own both a Harley and a Suzuki GSXR-1000, So I to know the appeal and the dangers. I have personally watched my friends wreck and one of them should of died (No helmet). My general rule is if you get one take a motorcycle safety class and always wear gear! Second, once you feel totally comfortable on the bike its time to get rid of it.

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Well my intent is to have it to cruise. I have no interest in constantly going at high speeds and/or even getting onto the highway. The majority of bad bike crashes is on the highway. Anyway that's what I say now but there will be a day I'll try it when I get comfortable. Either way for now I know I won't, I'm also a very reserved and responsible person so I will really have my head on when I ride (and my helmet and my gear). It's just the whole parents things...I can't do it to them

ES :flag:

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Well my intent is to have it to cruise. I have no interest in constantly going at high speeds and/or even getting onto the highway. The majority of bad bike crashes is on the highway. Anyway that's what I say now but there will be a day I'll try it when I get comfortable. Either way for now I know I won't, I'm also a very reserved and responsible person so I will really have my head on when I ride (and my helmet and my gear). It's just the whole parents things...I can't do it to them

ES :flag:

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