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My Awsome Luck


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Well, today was actually the first day in a while that I felt good. up until about 3pm. This whole past week has been wierd and it started out with a death in my family. My moms oldest sister past away, very unexpectedly. she wasn't that old either, 56. I couldn't go to the funeral because it was in mexico, and I had to tend to my business.


Now on to todays events. I ordered material that I needed for a job last week. It was supposed to arrive on monday but that didn't happen. (one of the reasons why I couldn't attend the funeral) So today I call up and see what is going on, sure enough I get the whole story on how nobody knows what the deal is. Then at about 2:50 I get a call from the freight company telling me that they are droping off the material. So, I decide to head on out to the construction site and check it out. As I am drivind southbound on one of the streets in Hemet, I come to an intersection. No stop for me, but stop sign for the crossing traffic. One car crosses in front of me, in a safe manner, and the car behind him, traveling east, slows down and proccedes to enter the intersection at the same time that I do. Mind you that I don't have a stop sign, she does and I have my foot on my brakes because there is a dip at the end of the intersection. I see her pull infront of me, I slam my brakes but she pull in when I'm to close, so I end up hitting the ladys car. Who is turning 80yrs today. So now my work truck is all messed up and have no back up, plus I still haven't got my SS running yet. Here are some pics of the wreck.






So far the damage is to both fenders all of the front end, the radiator, condensor and allignment. At least that is all that I can see, I haven't opend the hood, but to drive it home the steering whell was clocked 45* to the right in order for the truck to drive straight.


And atleast everyone was ok, no injuries.

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Hope that things turn around for you soon, it's really hard when it all happens during the holidays. That car looks to be a total, transmission is destroyed for sure - your truck put the f'n hurt on her. I hope she didn't have to go to the hospital, she got hit right in the driver's door...


Mr. P.

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Damn dude, this all sucks. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, death is always hard to deal with and the holidays do not help matters any. Trust me, I know this from personal experience.


I would have to say that ladies car is totaled as well, it's hosed.


Seeing this makes me worry more about my grandma who is 91 and still driving.

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dam man your luck never ends sorry about the death in the fam those are never good


but dont feel to bad i think you rubbed some off on me. both my cars are down ( truck and camaro) so im driving a ford ranger for the next week. and i also recently got in a fender bender but not as bad.

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