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Took Out A Rcsb Srt-10 With My Vho


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There is this Black RCSB SRT-10, very nice looking truck, that runs around town and he always revs his motor at me wanting to race but as a general rule I aint that stupid seeing how I’m not supercharged, yet.


Anyhow, yesterday this Black Beast pulls up next to me at a stop sign and revs his motor. I look over at him and give him the “Lets Go” head nod and rev my motor up. We look at each other, kinda felt like Clint Eastwood in the Good, bad and Ugly, and launch. I had my TC on and combined with my CalTrax I hooked up well before he did and off I went, left him there smoking his tires. He finally hooked up and started to gain on me rather quickly but before he could catch me there was another stop sign. Now, if he would have had just another block or two I’m pretty sure he would have flew right by me without any problems at all. Lucky for me the distance between the 2 stop signs was only maybe 50 yards.


So I pull up to the next stop sign and wait for him. He revs his motor again so I give him the head nod once again. This time he takes off a lot better, still spinning his tires as I slowly take off from the stop sign. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. When I pulled up to the stop sign I was in the outside lane and I noticed in the parking lot right to my right was Johnny law in his Black and White, yes I kind set him up. Of course when he took off so did the cop and proceeded to pull him over. As I went by all I could do was laugh.


BTW, the next stop sign was about 150 yards away and I kind of figured I would get my ass handed to me so even if the cop had not have been there chances are I would not have raced him.

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"thats mean man but if he saw that race then he probably saw the first race as well but he played stupid last man so the cop went for him you ask me you got lucky also"


The cop could not see the first race. He was in the parking lot of a little strip mall. I didnt even see him until I was about 3 feet from the stop sign.


I didnt realize that I was going to get slammed for sharing my story, yes it was not the smartest thing I've ever done but there was not much traffic around, I live in a smaller type town so I know all of the cops, of course that does NOT make it right, it was only for a short distance so its not like I was doing 80mph or something like that, I very rarely "race" anyone on the street and besides that this SRT-10 has reved his motor at me countless times in the past and I was feelin a little orneryer than normal.


Damn, I really didnt think I'd have to explain and justify myself when I wrote this. :wtf:

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"thats mean man but if he saw that race then he probably saw the first race as well but he played stupid last man so the cop went for him you ask me you got lucky also"


The cop could not see the first race. He was in the parking lot of a little strip mall. I didnt even see him until I was about 3 feet from the stop sign.


I didnt realize that I was going to get slammed for sharing my story, yes it was not the smartest thing I've ever done but there was not much traffic around, I live in a smaller type town so I know all of the cops, of course that does NOT make it right, it was only for a short distance so its not like I was doing 80mph or something like that, I very rarely "race" anyone on the street and besides that this SRT-10 has reved his motor at me countless times in the past and I was feelin a little orneryer than normal.


Damn, I really didnt think I'd have to explain and justify myself when I wrote this. :wtf:


hey man its cool sh!t happens and everyone knows that and he was asking for it but good run i have yet met a srt-10 on the road goin in the same direction of the hwy i am

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