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Just wanted to everybody to know im FINALLY putting my roll pan on. Talked to the guy yesterday i have one appt on monday to get everything test fit and then they are going to give me my truck back till they get done painting it. They told me id lose my truck for more than a cpl days if they did a seamless look and i cant swing that at the moment.

Really cool shop he showed me around the place showed me his truck and what he is doing to it. Also showed me smoothed interior pieces so im thinking about doing that eventually as well. Only in black and silver. Ill post up pics as soon as i get it installed.

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Which one did you go with, BSER's one piece or Pufferss 3 piece?

i have the bser that somebody on here sold me like a year and half ago..i cant remember now its been so long but thank you whoever you are

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ok i get the painted roll pan installed friday morning and i cant wait any longer ive been driving around with no bumper for a cpl days now and i can tell just from the side view already that im going to love my roll pan.


oh yeah if you guys were going to sell your back bumper how much would you charge????

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