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Beat A Old Saturn.


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While I was pulling a trailer! lol The start was at a red light and we were both in a double turn lane and I was on the outside. I knew he was going to try to get in front of me when the light turned green. So we are off and I am taking it easy around the turn then I floor it and the truck jumps back into 1st and jump on him like crazy. I start pulling past him and he starts smiling while shaking his head and looking at me in disbelief. I thought it was kind of funny. It brings back memories of me pulling on a civic while pulling my brothers 19ft skii boat. lol

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Yeah ok. :wtf: I knew I would beat the guy easily. I just think it is funny if you look at it in the others guys viewpoint thinking "oh shit I just got beat by a truck pulling a trailer."


I know i was just messin with ya. I saw the title and was wow you beat a saturn...lol sorry.

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