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What is the highest you have been spinning that motor (RPM). Stock rod bolts will fail at high RPM's.




How did they know you reflashed the PCM? Did you tell them or did they download your tune and go over it? If they went over it, I would challenge them on what exactly caused the failure or are they basing it on "its not the stock calibration" crap.

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I agree with the general concensus here.......Take it to another dealer!


I don't believe that the Superchips had anything to do with it either, and do get rid of that POS when this is all said and done. Good Luck.



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I ended up at haveing to front the bill around 6500.00 for a new motor......But they told me to keep fighting with both superchips and GM and i should get soem results.....my questions are, should I go talk to a lawyer to speed things up ? I mean losing 7 grand just cuz i didnt undprogram the chip before I broguht it into th edealership is like a huge mistake on my part and I really want to try to fix it....My parents agreed to split the cost of the motor if I can get it covored through my 100,000 mile powertrain warrenty.....I dont know if there are any lawyers on this site or anything, but I am reaching here I don tknow where to start.....I would be more then willingto work a deal with anyone who wanted to help me or give me advice....they said at the dealership if I keep on damanding usuallly the people who keep on and keep on get results.....so if anyoen has any ideas or would like to work a deal with helping me I am more hten willing to listen.......I am going to school for Criminial justice and one of my teachers is a Business Lawyer cus I am take a Business Law class, do you think it would be a good Idea to discuss to him about my situation...I printed out this entire post with the U.S. Code as well....thanks guys, you really have helped me, i think even if I cant get a full reimbursement 50% of somthing is always better hten 100% of nothing. Take Care

Jonathon Kerr

979 492 0300

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take the chip out and take it to another chevrolet dealership..


:withstupid: dude from my understanding gm cant flag a truck to the point of every chevy dealer knowing your situation and say the warranty has been voided so what i would do is take the chip out take it to another chevy dealer and act like you dont know what happened just say youve been too busy to bring in it immedeatly....





Edited by eddie da chevy guy (see edit history)
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chances are, the chip had nothing to do with the blown engine. Unfortunately, with the milage you have, your going to have to throw a fit with GM customer service. Technicly gm only warrants the engine to last 36000 miles so after that it's a bonus. I'de seriously throw a fit at the dealer ship though as their job is to find out WHAT REALLY made the engine go so if they put a new one in, it dosn't happen again.

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chances are, the chip had nothing to do with the blown engine. Unfortunately, with the milage you have, your going to have to throw a fit with GM customer service. Technicly gm only warrants the engine to last 36000 miles so after that it's a bonus. I'de seriously throw a fit at the dealer ship though as their job is to find out WHAT REALLY made the engine go so if they put a new one in, it dosn't happen again.
its an 07 it has the 100k powertrain warranty
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i'm very sorry about your truck and the way the dealership is not helping, but this is a great post to have here

when someone puts up a thread, I just want to mod my truck with "anything" will

it hurt my warranty, like I always say if you are worried about your warrant DO NOT

TOUCH YOUR TRUCK till the warrant is over the dealers will say a non oem "anything"

caused the problem(s), and then what Lawyers and etc etc etc


hope it works out for you and don't give up

Edited by shakesvho (see edit history)
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I dont believe the superchips did it either. They have to be able to prove w/o a doubt it caused the failure or they have to fix it. I forgot the law but there is one out there. But man 42000 in 1 year? where the hell have you been driving to alaska and back 3 times a month?



i made that drive once and screw that again...ill take the ferry before i beat my truck up that bad again.


And as for your motor i would detune it and take it to another dealer as mentioned before.

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how did they know the tune was in there anyway? you can't tell with a tech 2. The computer would have to be sent out to GM and the engineers would have to find that. If superchips locks the tune then the only thing they will see is that they can't re-flash the computer and they should be saying"the computers junk and needs to be replaced".


I didn't realize that all 07's came with the 5yr 100k warranty, i thought it depended on when it was bought.

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sorry to hear this, I had bad rings and no compression 03 sss warranty was covered and they replaced the engine but thing was they had my truck for 2 months warranty only covered 2 weeks of rental car they didnt want to pay for my rental $1200 bill I told them that the reason warranty will only cover 2 weeks is that it should only take 2 weeks to fix i've talked to shop ass manger no help talked to shop manger no help. What im trying to say is my buddy works for a caddy dealer ship here in town told me that the owner of the chevy dealer ship (Michael Holley) comes to work every day so call him and make a stink left a message about my little story and 2 hours later he called and told me every thing was taked care off. Morel of the story take to a higher power.


I hope this helps



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this info. should be made a sticky.. :smash:


hope this helps..


Customer Assistance


Customer Satisfaction Procedure

Your satisfaction and goodwill are important to

your dealer and to Chevrolet. Normally, any concerns

with the sales transaction or the operation of your

vehicle will be resolved by your dealer’s sales or service

departments. Sometimes, however, despite the best

intentions of all concerned, misunderstandings can

occur. If your concern has not been resolved to your

satisfaction, the following steps should be taken:


STEP ONE: Discuss your concern with a member of

dealership management. Normally, concerns can

be quickly resolved at that level. If the matter has

already been reviewed with the sales, service or parts

manager, contact the owner of the dealership or

the general manager.


STEP TWO: If after contacting a member of dealership

management, it appears your concern cannot be

resolved by the dealership without further help, contact

the Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center by calling

1-800-222-1020. In Canada, contact GM of Canada

Customer Communication Centre in Oshawa by calling

1-800-263-3777 (English) or 1-800-263-7854 (French).


We encourage you to call the toll-free number in order

to give your inquiry prompt attention. Please have

the following information available to give the Customer

Assistance Representative:

Vehicle Identification Number (This is available from

the vehicle registration or title, or the plate at the

top left of the instrument panel and visible through

the windshield.)

Dealership name and location

Vehicle delivery date and present mileage

When contacting Chevrolet, please remember that your

concern will likely be resolved at a dealer’s facility.

That is why we suggest you follow Step One first if you

have a concern.


STEP THREE: Both General Motors and your dealer

are committed to making sure you are completely

satisfied with your new vehicle. However, if you continue

to remain unsatisfied after following the procedure

outlined in Steps One and Two, you should file with the

GM/BBB Auto Line Program to enforce any additional

rights you may have. Canadian owners refer to

your Warranty and Owner Assistance Information

booklet for information on the Canadian Motor Vehicle

Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP).



good luck



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