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Depressed Job Market


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Hi Guys,


I'm 48 this year, and find myself without a job for the first time in 12 years. I'm in SW Oklahoma and there just isn't a lot to choose from. I was making 1980's wages in my last job working for family in the newspaper industry as a Head Pressman but won't be pursuing work in this field more than likely.

I'm just wondering what you guys are doing for jobs and the average pay scale amongst SilveradoSS forum members... not trying to be nosey, just don't have a clue what's the best job to look for and what they might pay.


It's a total world changer, gonna have to move, sell the house etc... and gas prices don't allow commuting very far so I'm at a loss here. The 14 year old is even worried about his next meal! lol...


Give me an idea of what's paying well these days.


Thanks a lot!



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if you don't mind actual work (i'm keeping in mind your age) you might look at being a journey man, particularly of the lineman sort.. usually pay starts off around 50-60/year around here.


i just went through this a couple months ago. lost my job, had to move to wisconsin from texas to find something that paid decent wages. good luck!

Edited by xlr82sxs (see edit history)
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There are always jobs in computers like programming or IT. People with healthcare experience are a plus around here and that's what I got. Programming can be something as simple as SQL for reporting purposes. Base pay for my job is like $49K a year. It was $39K a year when I started out in 2001.

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I am a Engineering major (mechanical) that is graduating this May and the only problem engineers have with finding a job is deciding on which one.


Around here Wichita Falls isnt very big we start out around $55K a year if I want to move i can make alot more.

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Great replies and info guys, I had no idea I was in such a depressed economy here. I've been making $9 an hour for three years and $8 an hour for the last 9 years before that. My insurance was paid by the company at 100% which expires this week. I also have a pretty good medication expense, so I'm in a world of hurt.

Cost of living is very low here, but bills finally outran my wife's and my pay. Her parents owned the Newspaper we worked at and it was a total family operation. They simply couldn't afford to give any more money to us, so we had to leave under bad terms I might add. We're on our own, with 0 income and enough capital to last about three months. Gotta move fast here, so any leads would be greatly appreciated. It's scary to be 48 and broke with no income, but I'm looking hard and trying to remain optimistic.

Thanks for the responses.



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Give me an idea of what's paying well these days.

not much around here. :nonod:

so many people here looking for a job, that the company's here got you by the balls. there paying just above minimum wage for a job that anywhere else pays 15-18.00 per hr. been looking for something better myself, and all i get is AREN'T YOU A LITTLE OLD for this kind of work... :mad: or we are LOOKING FOR SOMEONE YOUNGER :banghead: I'll be 54 in April. what most are looking for is some young kid who will take a low paying job and not know how bad he is getting f**ked. being older you have family and financial responsibilities that warrant a higher income, that they refuse to pay. i understand that the cost of things are going up for most business and times are tight, but when the owners are living the high life in $1m homes and there teen age snot nose kids have new BMWs and go to a private school, and we can't get a $1.00 per hr. raise after being there for 5 yrs. :M16:





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SuperDave...you need something quick obviously. You should look into a scholarship for a new trade school. I would recommend trying truck driving school or marine repair. Both are in high demand, pay ok, and require minimal education time (usually a year or less unlike most 4yr degrees.) I write mortgages and I see what everyone makes around the country. You don't want to go to California as the cost of living is too high even if you can land $40-50k/yr. Texas is doing well. Atlanta is busting at the seams. Oregon and Washington are also hot and the cost of living is much better than some other areas of the country like New Jersey or California. I've seen on average truck drivers making $40k-60k a year and some of them it is their second career, because they were in a similar situation like you. Nashville is also a great area as well.


P.S. I'm only 28 and I'm making a career change soon as well. The mortgage industry is so upside down right now...I'm finishing up my 4yr degree and then I think I'm running off to join the military. I'm either looking at the Navy or Marines...Air Force wont take me as an officer because I am too old. As a back up, I'm looking at law enforcement as well. The safest place to be in a recession is working for the government, they dont lay people off...

Edited by Black2003SS (see edit history)
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I happen to be in the IT field and I know of quite a few jobs available in this area alone. (I'm in the DC area) I have been doing this for about 18 years so the range of salary depends on your qualifications. Anywhere from 50-160k can be easily expected. Especially, if you have a clearance of any kind. If you want more specifics feel free to P.M. :cheers:



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