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Got Lots Of Time All Of A Sudden...


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Man so sorry to hear about the complication; I crushed my foot between my Firebird and Chevy Truck so I can totally relate :( worst pain by far I've had to experience and was on cruthes a long, long time. Glad you are in good hands though. Get well soon!


Mr. P.

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Thank god for medicine like percocet and dilaudid(12 x's stronger than morphine!!!) :chillpill::sigh::sleep:

take it from me..be careful of pain meds. got hooked on that s**t 17 yrs. ago after a 60'+ fall. was taking 1500 mg of cocaine every 3-4 hrs. for over a year. and took another 3 yrs. to quite taking them, not for the pain, but for the buzz. :banghead: i have built up such a high tolerance for pain meds, that it takes so much to put me out for surgery that the Dr's think I'll OD on the table. :sick: now i just deal with the pain, and only take any if i really need to just to knock the edge off.


good luck on your recovery, and NICE pics.. :thumbs:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the well wishes guys... doing a lot better now!


No internet at home now though :banghead:


got some new pics i can load soon


Yes both sides of the calf!


No way I'm getting hooked on the meds!!! I'm down to one norco (double vicodin) every four hours during the day, and thats just cause i'm starting to try and walk on it, and yes Mr. P with these DAMN crutches


The only thing that looks to be permanent is some nerve damage to my big toe.... can't lift it up off the floor w/ my foot flat. kinda weird... it just doesn't work :dunno:



The best news of all, I can drive the beast again(when sober and hurting)... I kinda consider the gas pedal as phys. therapy for my calf. just have to use my left for the brake! :driving:

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