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Is It My Computer Or What?


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So everytime I try to log onto SSS.com, it gives me this box ans says would you like to download the information on this webpage or save it to your desktop. WTF, has anyone else had this? It seems like I cant access it from my laptop at home (dial up) but I can access it from my dads house and my friends iphone.

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i had the same issue using firefox, everytime I would click on sss.com a box would come up and ask me where I wanted to download some file or what program I wanted to use to open it. Now everything seems to work fine so I dont know whats going on. I was able to use regular IE to open the site and not firefox for about 2 days but now firefox is working just fine.

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My computer was doing this as well and I think I know why. If you click on the main banner on top of every page (silveradoss.com) it takes you to silveradoss.com/forums/index.php?. My bookmark fore this site was set to that and I would just get that message download box. If you click on the silveradoss.com under the first truck in the top banner it takes you to silveradoss.com/forums and everything is normal. I just redid my bookmark and everything is fine. Yesterday I did notice that if you click that main banner at the top it would pop up that download message but today it seems to be normal so I guess the issue is resolved.

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