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Credit Score Problems


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I just checked my credit score on Truecredit.com and found my x has not been paying her bills that eithier I was a co-signer or an authorized user. Hell one of them was a dr. bill that I had no knowledge of ever taking place. In our divorce papers our debt and funds was split up equally. What kills me is that she walked out smelling like a rose she got 1/2 my 401k, 1/2 the profits of the house. I don't need to get into exact numbers but all the bills she was court ordered to pay would of only eatin up 3% of the funds she recieved. Sorry for the rant, I'm just trying to buy a house and with this credit report I don't see that happening. If any of you guys or girls know what I could do to remidy this sitiuation I would love to hear from you.

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I just checked my credit score on Truecredit.com and found my x has not been paying her bills that eithier I was a co-signer or an authorized user. Hell one of them was a dr. bill that I had no knowledge of ever taking place. In our divorce papers our debt and funds was split up equally. What kills me is that she walked out smelling like a rose she got 1/2 my 401k, 1/2 the profits of the house. I don't need to get into exact numbers but all the bills she was court ordered to pay would of only eatin up 3% of the funds she recieved. Sorry for the rant, I'm just trying to buy a house and with this credit report I don't see that happening. If any of you guys or girls know what I could do to remidy this sitiuation I would love to hear from you.

Part of the proceedings should have been to get your name off all of the things she retained. You probably will have to go back and consult with your lawyer again. Yeah, I know, more $$$. :nonod:

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I agree with Hank. Consult with your divorce attorney.

:iagree: Your original attorney dropped the ball in your divorce agreement - an airtight decree would not have left you at risk of this, and credit 'issues' should be a BIG part of any divorce agreement. I have not gone through this (I had a good atty!) but I would look into finishing the job that should have been done right the first time, either modifying the original divorce decree (don't know if that's possible) or suing your ex for failing to abide by the divorce agreement she signed by not paying the debts (i.e. contempt of court?) I know it will cost another couple grand in attorney's costs, but it's either this or you pay those delinquent bills yourself. Sucks I know.


Mr. P.

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man that sucks. could you contact the creditor and the 3 credit addy's and provide them a copy of the paperwork?



I just went through the 3 major credit reporting agencys and filed disputes. I also paid and closed the one acount I was a co-signer on. Still waiting to hear from my attourney to see what she says.

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