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Car Insurance


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So I get our car insurance in the mail today and I am shocked at how low it is for the SS. My wifes 04' Exploder is more then the SS. I am an old guy, 43 with 2 kids and no tickets. Costing me $74 a month. Pretty good I thought!

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man screw you guys i pay 250 a month for my ss's


and im the main driver on my moms hyundai, they think my mom drives the truck . :driving::crackup:


two more years and i should be able to get a discount for being 25 with a decent record( minus the seat belts tickets)

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i pay 90 a month for my ss and travel trailer and horse trailer. full coverage with allstate. 100 deductible, uninsured, $300,000 coverage.medical and towing etc. and i have a dui. it went up just a little for the dui but i dont have any other tickets.

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chase that crap your insurance drops a lot when you turn 25 is bogus, it may drop a few hundred over the whole year. I was expecting something great to happen with a clean record and turning 25, my insurance dropped $200 over the whole year, yay!!!!!!!!!

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I pay 330$ a month for my SS, being 20 years old and having full everything apparently costs a lot, thanks progressive!! Oh and ya my mom took me off of her insurance when i got my license when i was 17 so they had no record of me driving for 2 years so thats why it is also so much, THANKS MOM!! (bitch)

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I pay 330$ a month for my SS, being 20 years old and having full everything apparently costs a lot, thanks progressive!! Oh and ya my mom took me off of her insurance when i got my license when i was 17 so they had no record of me driving for 2 years so thats why it is also so much, THANKS MOM!! (bitch)


You should be nice to your mom....

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