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Crazy Night


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So me and a few friends head out to Houston Raceway to watch the street cars run. When we get there it's almost dead so I decide to make a few passes. Best was 14.6 @ 93 :wtf: (Thought I would do better, but its better then nothing lol) Anyways I make a few passes then head to the stands to watch. A few bikes are running and a guy with a turbo bike comes up and does his burn out. As he is letting on the brake still spinning a bit he loses it right before the tree. Slams his head on the ground pretty damn hard. 20 minutes later Life-Flight shows up and takes him to the ER...(Hopefully he is ok :( ) Anyways. that takes up most of the time there. Then a Scion XB comes up to run...We start laughing pretty hard...He ran a 20.1 @ 63mph. We laughed even harder. I was just shocked that the guy on the bike lost it then had to be helicoptered out :uhoh: Anyways thought I would share my shocking funny night lol. :chevy:

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Wow that must have been pretty tough to watch....Hope dudes alright!


Your not satisfied with your time, but you have to admit going down the track is always fun. Unless you drive a a scion. :jester: Whats the elevation @ that track?

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Ya hopefully it's nothing more then a bad bump on the head. But I was hoping for a little better time...Oh well...When I got my truck tuned Charlie Wheatley said my Airaid CAI was a p.o.s. and was pulling in hot air and killing my timing. So I'm going to upgrade to either a K&N 77 or a AEM brute force. As for the sea level, I would think that it is about right at sea level since we are right on the coast but I could be totally wrong :P



Side note: I forgot to mention in the 1st post that my first pass I did I ran against the guy the first time I ever ran my truck. He beat me when I was stock but now I beat his ass in the ground (HEMI) :thumbs::chevy:

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Dude thats crazy. Ive never been their is that track on the north side?


Nah its South, right outside of Bay Town. its about a 15min drive from where I am. We should meet up there one weekend and make a day out of it :thumbs:

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