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I'm A Daddy!

Bad Bowtie

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Well u folks wanted me to keep u updated so here it goes!!! I'm A DADDY!!! For the first time ever!!! :)

I'm both PROUD and TIRED. lol!!! I'm gonna be gone from here a while while my wife getting to moving around better at home. And I'm taking several vacation days off from work too. My girl was born at 9:58 AM Tues 3/4/8 (super Tuesday just got a little bit BIGGER in my book). She was 6lbs 7oz and 19.5" long. Here is a pic:




Anyways, Thanks for the warm wishes and prayers earlier guys/gals. Well I'm off here and back to daddy duty. I'm post a couple more pics when I'm back on here my friends.... :seeya:

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And may I be so bold as to suggest that you start planning for Little Ms. Bad Bowtie's first date? (It will be here before you know it!) I'm kind of partial to the Remington 870 pump action shotgun. I've caused many a dirt bag to "voluntarily change their minds" in my career by the mere sound of racking a round into the chamber, I don't see why it would not have the same effect on an ill-intentioned suitor!


I think this one looks kind of pretty!


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