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There have been very few beers that I've tried that I didn't like. I regularly drink Bud, Bud Light, Yuengling, and Killians. I like Guinness, Bass Ale, and many more... :cheers: An occasional Jameson's Irish Whiskey on the side ain't bad either! :thumbs:

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I drink a little bit of everything really. Every time I travel, I try to drink the local beer. I like Yuengling, Carlsberg, Mich Ultra, Bud Light, Corona in the summer, A-B Winter's Bourbon in the winter, Guinness, Lake Placid Brewery, Saranac, Sam Adams, etc. I have never met a beer than I didn't like. The only kind I care the least about is IPA's. Too hoppy for me.

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I forgot to mention that Jack Daniels is my favorite.. usually put a bottle infront of me and it's gone and then my friends get to enjoy my "Don vito" state of mind aka can't make coherent words and just plain retarded.. pretty sure I should be dead now.

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Ruination IPA from Stone Creek Brewery is the favorite, Arrogant Bastard is number two. Trappist beers are number three. For the common ones, Guinness or Long Hammer IPA are popular with me.

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Dos XX lager or amber, blue moon, or negra modelo. Also a die hard patron silver fan shots or rocks.

:withstupid: I just tried Dos XX amber last week for the first time (had the lager numerous times). It was excellent! I've had Blue Moon as well, but I don't like getting fruit with my beer. :)

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i go in phases, like new stuff, right now its Honey Brown, for awhile it was Blue Moon, before that was Miller Chill


best stuff i ever had was in a german restaurant in Waynoka,OK. Was called Optimator. Best beer i ever had and was definitely stronger then your regular beer. You would drink it like regular beer and feel fine, but then when you stand up to leave, watch out. Ive been trying to find it here at home in NE Ohio with no luck. They also had a drink called the Seperator, said it seperates the men from the boys, my brother tried one and he was gone. Was some seriously strong stuff. Funny thing is this place wasnt a bar or anything, its a little german restaurant with maybe 6 tables in a city who's population might be 1000. Best food ever too.

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I got tired of bud light before I even turned 21 so I cant drink that crap at all. And I drank so many coronas one night when i was in high school that I can barely look at one without wanting to puke. My favorite cheap beer is keystone light, I like Heineken light but I dont like drinking it in public cause its gay, and my all around fav is good old fashioned Budweiser. Yuengling is good too

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