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Disturbing Study


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thats sad :nonod:


You can blame the parents by not keeping tabs on what their kids are doing, and you can blame the kids for not abstaining or practicing safe sex. The best solution........sew your kids knees together until they are 21. :ughdance:

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thats sad :nonod:


You can blame the parents by not keeping tabs on what their kids are doing, and you can blame the kids for not abstaining or practicing safe sex. The best solution........sew your kids knees together until they are 21. :ughdance:


I dont think its fair to blame parents(there are some though that allow it to happen and dont care)...mine told me to be careful and didnt let me run around late at night but I still found ways. I mean my daughter is 6 and when she is old enough to date you have to trust them IMO until they prove they cant be trusted.. I feel if you shelter a child too much your askin for trouble IMO.

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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its the damn media thats making them think those thoughts. everytime they turn on the tube, there's half naked people walking around talking about how great sex is. (TV shows, infomercials, ect..) when i have kids, i'm going to limit they're tv time, and try my best to keep tabs on what there watching. and also, parents have to talk to there kids too. just my opinion.

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its the damn media thats making them think those thoughts. everytime they turn on the tube, there's half naked people walking around talking about how great sex is. (TV shows, infomercials, ect..) when i have kids, i'm going to limit they're tv time, and try my best to keep tabs on what there watching. and also, parents have to talk to there kids too. just my opinion.



True, but most of the times is the "friends" who put stuff in their heads, and if her friends are having sex the peer presure is their. Also, sex is advertised everywhere, as in the older days it was taboo to even bring it up.

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