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#1. No matter who was in power, dems or rep, the Department of Homeland Security would have been created in some fashion in response to 9/11. It was a necesssary program. If you mean by building the military, it was also necessary.


#2. Bush is the first president to offer TWO tax rebates let alone one to the common person during his presidency since Reagan. Bush Sr. raised taxes, as did Clinton.


#3 Clinton created NAFTA - something you failed to recognize.


#4 You did not address the health care plans of the candidates and recognize that the Dems plan to raise taxes to cover their plan, while McCain will not.


#5 Hilary and Obama voted AGAINST extending the economic stimulus plan tax cuts Bush implemented. McCain voted for - just this last week. The bill failed. Guess Obama and Hilary think we have enough money...


#6 Bill Clinton originated and signed once passed a bill that raised taxes for anyone made a combined house hold income over $70,000. Hmmm...That was considered the rich tax. I dont feel rich with $70k, I feel getting by is more appropriate. I feel $150k would be well off. Interesting...


#7 Bill Clinton also sigend legislature that increased the marriage penalty tax. Penalizing people for being married...how cute. Bush reversed it when he got in. Thank god.


#8 Bush mistakes? Going to Iraq. Has he admitted they were wrong about WMD? Absolutely. But he also recognizes we can just leave it like it is. Obama and Hilary think we can and we will be right back over there with our children, but it will be 10 times worse than it is now. Remember what the Taliban did to Afghanistan? That will happen in Iraq. The Muslim extremists have no real country to control and they are looking for an easy target. Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, any of them will do...


#9 Bill C had a chance to get Osama Bin Laden...he passed on the opportunity because his advisors told him it would look bad to take out a terrorist while he was reeling in the public spot light from the Monica scandal. He chose not to protect this country because it might make him look bad publicly during something he created. Hmmm...over 2,000 lives on 9/11 worth a Monica blow job?


#10 Your turn :):pop:

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mcCain is like 100 years old...


one more thing the tax refund checks are great sure but you honestly dont fix a money problem with more money. We as Americans need to change our spending habits sorta speak or this deficit will never dwindle. You have an UNNECESSARY war being fought on a basis of lies costing us billions. Who is going to cover the cost of this war?


Put McCain or any republican in there so we can keep spending billions every year for the rest of our natural lifes? That how it seems the republicans think. How long is Long enough before they realize it will never end unless they are pulled out. They keep sayin we will succeed and how is that possible minus making iraq and afganistan a super Walmart parking lot with a nuke. You just cant stop terrorism it will always be there.


Explain that


and to answer #9 2000 lives over a Clinton lie is bad but not as bad as the thousands of American lives killed or injured as a result of Bushes lie that the count continues rise to this day

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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and to answer #9 2000 lives over a Clinton lie is bad but not as bad as the thousands of American lives killed or injured as a result of Bushes lie that the count continues rise to this day


Bush would never have gone to Iraq had 9/11 not happened...In my opinion, you can put those lives on Clinton as well. Also, Bush did not "LIE", he spoke what he thought was the truth...big difference. Clinton KNEW he was lying about monica and playing games. Bush hoenstly felt in his heart from the intelligence they had received from an insider in Iraq that Hussein had been preparing WMD's. It later turns out that insider was lying to save his own skin. We made a mistake. Almost this entire country believed there were WMD's, Dems and Repubs. It wasnt just Bush.


Terrorism will not always be there in the capacity it is now. The reason the US has not been hit again like 9/11 is because of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have killed so many top level Al Qaeda commanders its not even funny. They cant replace them as fast as we can kill them. Plus they are more content to try to chip away at our soldiers over there, its easier. If we pulled out, they would be over here in a heart beat. The seeds of democracy are planted in Iraq and it didnt take months for our countryt o be formed either. It takes time and cooperation, and yes, money. There are good people over there that will get the job done right. Pulling out now would be a disgrace to the men and women who have already died...


And one last thing, the dem party certainly does not want to change our spending habits. I cant believe you buy into the fact that the tax rebate is not going to help. Obama and Clinton wouldnt even do it. I know so much about the economic workings and beliefs of both parties, I could write a book and even if I began to explain it to you, you wouldnt understand it. Its quite clear you dont. Voting someone in who does not want to provide cash infusions into the economy and suck more out with taxes demonstrates you have no idea how the economy works. Perhaps you would be happy paying 50% of your income in taxes? Keep voting in democrats, I promise you, it will happen.

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#1. No matter who was in power, dems or rep, the Department of Homeland Security would have been created in some fashion in response to 9/11. It was a necesssary program. If you mean by building the military, it was also necessary.


#2. Bush is the first president to offer TWO tax rebates let alone one to the common person during his presidency since Reagan. Bush Sr. raised taxes, as did Clinton.


#3 Clinton created NAFTA - something you failed to recognize.


#4 You did not address the health care plans of the candidates and recognize that the Dems plan to raise taxes to cover their plan, while McCain will not.


#5 Hilary and Obama voted AGAINST extending the economic stimulus plan tax cuts Bush implemented. McCain voted for - just this last week. The bill failed. Guess Obama and Hilary think we have enough money...


#6 Bill Clinton originated and signed once passed a bill that raised taxes for anyone made a combined house hold income over $70,000. Hmmm...That was considered the rich tax. I dont feel rich with $70k, I feel getting by is more appropriate. I feel $150k would be well off. Interesting...


#7 Bill Clinton also sigend legislature that increased the marriage penalty tax. Penalizing people for being married...how cute. Bush reversed it when he got in. Thank god.


#8 Bush mistakes? Going to Iraq. Has he admitted they were wrong about WMD? Absolutely. But he also recognizes we can just leave it like it is. Obama and Hilary think we can and we will be right back over there with our children, but it will be 10 times worse than it is now. Remember what the Taliban did to Afghanistan? That will happen in Iraq. The Muslim extremists have no real country to control and they are looking for an easy target. Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, any of them will do...


#9 Bill C had a chance to get Osama Bin Laden...he passed on the opportunity because his advisors told him it would look bad to take out a terrorist while he was reeling in the public spot light from the Monica scandal. He chose not to protect this country because it might make him look bad publicly during something he created. Hmmm...over 2,000 lives on 9/11 worth a Monica blow job?


#10 Your turn :):pop:




Pretty easy here-


I am not a Democrat, nor am I defending Bill Clinton.


#1- You claimed that Republicans reduce government. It is proven that this is not true, using the DHS as an example. Next.

#2- Bush offered tax cuts during a time of war- the first time in the history of this country. Look at the results: both the highest sustained defecits and the highest debt this country has EVER had. Further, a person making $150,000 in 2002 got approximately $2k extra in refund. That same person has seen fuel prices go from $1.60 to almost $4 a gallon. Hows that tax cut doing now?

#3- Clinton did indeed create NAFTA. Absolute monstrosity. As was GATT and GATS before that, created by Bush and Reagan. Again, Im not defending Clinton, so try not to scapegoat him 7 years after he leaves office. You are likely going to say that it takes that long for policies to start working, right? How about the 1992 recession? Reagans fault? How about the mid 90's boom?

#4- If you honestly believe that any health care plan that is going to actually benefit the public- you know, us tax paying citizens- is not going to cost money, you really need to lay off the kool aid.

#5- The economic stimulus plan DID NOT WORK. In case you missed it, we are in a recession, which was brought on by simple decisions made my the administration. Outside of the Cato Institute and Rush Limbaugh, you cant even find a nominal media figure who does not readily admit this.

#6- Again, lets avoid Clinton, whom I loathe.

#7- Again with swallowing the Kool Aid. Im assuming you werent married during this entire time as I was, and can tell you that the tax burden on working people is greater now.

#8- The Iraq invasion and response to 9/11 is and will be seen as the single biggest foreign policy mistake in world history. Enough said.

#9- We still have not gotten Bin Laden. 6 years after the attacks. Who looks worse, Clinton who missed the opportunity (according to you) or Bush, who started WW4, spent almost a Trillion dollars, and bankrupted the country, while cutting taxes.


#10- I almost feel like a bit of a bully here, as this is actually the area that I work in. While I can appreciate your ideals and passion for politics, your opinions are not backed up with facts. This makes it difficult for me to continue to respond to you with simple truths that anyone with access to Google can easily find out.

So, I really need to withdraw from this conversation, as we dont seem to be making any headway. I wish you the best, and would hope that you remember what I am saying, as our situation continues to deteriorate into a full depression.

Best of luck to you. :)

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The economic stimulus plan DID NOT WORK


For someone who "works" in the industry, you sure are quick to state something didnt work when the most of the money from the stimulus plan hasnt even hit peoples pocket books yet. Any ameture with google would know that...

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And one last thing...anyone with half a brain would know to blame Alan Greenspan for the current economic conditions int hsi country, not the war. Its the housing market...duh...


Here, in case you dont know who Alan Greenspan is, I provided you with a link to google since you are so fond of it...




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lol...can we agree to disagree? I for one am a independent and hold no affiliations. I personaly think voting by affiliation and not the best person for the job is the most assinine thing i have ever seen or heard of. The only thing i have against rep. party is the economy,war, religious freaks that want to rul this country by their interpretation of the bible. All they care about are conservatives. As for democrats all I can say is why they are in office take Clinton for example buisnesses were booming look at them now..oh wait thats becauase of the war on terror that had nothing to do with Sadam.

Like I said before I dislaike all 3 candidates to be hinest. But will probably vote dem. because of the war and Mccains age. at 72 or how ever old he is I not only have to worry about his policies but that of his VP as well because of his age.


But I find arguing politics dumb. we will never change anyone mind on what they believe in. You'll never convinvce conspiracy theorist that 9/11 wasnt a set up,etc....so why try?

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Bush would never have gone to Iraq had 9/11 not happened...In my opinion, you can put those lives on Clinton as well. Also, Bush did not "LIE", he spoke what he thought was the truth...big difference. Clinton KNEW he was lying about monica and playing games. Bush hoenstly felt in his heart from the intelligence they had received from an insider in Iraq that Hussein had been preparing WMD's. It later turns out that insider was lying to save his own skin. We made a mistake. Almost this entire country believed there were WMD's, Dems and Repubs. It wasnt just Bush.


Terrorism will not always be there in the capacity it is now. The reason the US has not been hit again like 9/11 is because of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have killed so many top level Al Qaeda commanders its not even funny. They cant replace them as fast as we can kill them. Plus they are more content to try to chip away at our soldiers over there, its easier. If we pulled out, they would be over here in a heart beat. The seeds of democracy are planted in Iraq and it didnt take months for our countryt o be formed either. It takes time and cooperation, and yes, money. There are good people over there that will get the job done right. Pulling out now would be a disgrace to the men and women who have already died...


And one last thing, the dem party certainly does not want to change our spending habits. I cant believe you buy into the fact that the tax rebate is not going to help. Obama and Clinton wouldnt even do it. I know so much about the economic workings and beliefs of both parties, I could write a book and even if I began to explain it to you, you wouldnt understand it. Its quite clear you dont. Voting someone in who does not want to provide cash infusions into the economy and suck more out with taxes demonstrates you have no idea how the economy works. Perhaps you would be happy paying 50% of your income in taxes? Keep voting in democrats, I promise you, it will happen.


I can hardly resist.


Bush actually made it very clear that not only did Iraq have nothing to do with 9/11, he also made it quite clear that occupying Iraq was to be a part of the US strategic posture. Google PNAC + Iraq Letter to see Dick Cheney and friends ask Clinton to invade Iraq in 1996.


If you really do think that Bush was just misled, and didnt lie, than he would be the first President in history to make such a colossal mistake- which does not speak highly of his abilities. Further, you would be admitting that he was totally incompetent, so have at it. I find it amazing that the one President who has presided over the biggest collapse since the Great Depression can be given not just the benefit of the doubt, but can be classified as a President who does not lie.

While the politicians might have gotten us into this war, there were more than 10 million people demonstrating in the streets before it happened, and people like me were called anti-american- by people like you- for pointing out that Iraq was not involved in 9/11. Who wound up being correct? Were the 10 million of us better informed than Bush?


I can tell you that the stimulus plan didnt work already, because what it offers is an advance on NEXT YEARS TAX RETURN. You are going to have to pay that money back, so it really isnt a tax cut. So, while it may boost spending, it will further impoverish the population. I can also tell you that nuking Cuba will likely kill people, even though we have not done that yet. Am I somehow wrong about that as well.


Further, Greenspan had no similar troubles running the economy before 2001. Why is that?


Again, I would strongly urge you to actually read about some of these things before you go making a bunch of easily rebuked statements on the internet. :)


Unfortunately for you, it can be counted in nanoseconds how long your assertions hold up when exposed to such insidious commie dirty tricks as the application of logic or the examination of empirical history.

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I dont know nothing about the whole politics you two are going at it on, but it is way over my head...all i can say is if we did not go to war in Iraq after 9/11 the people who are protesting the war and hating on Bush would be crying because he did not act. I dont know where your getting your information on that we are not doing any damage to the terrorist over there, but know that we are and the troops over there are fighting 24/7 so people here in the States can proptest them being over there. I know when i was over there in Iraq and Afghanistan and still today when i see people protesting the war it drives me crazy and pisses me off. Unless you have been there and fought in the war you can not know what is going on over there except for what the news reports. Oh and in 2003 when the War started my whole company was waiting to get the word on who and when we would get a chance to go over there.


Thanks once again..i am no politician...just a former Army Infantryman.

Edited by firervfd37 (see edit history)
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I dont know nothing about the whole politics you two are going at it on, but it is way over my head...all i can say is if we did not go to war in Iraq after 9/11 the people who are protesting the war and hating on Bush would be crying because he did not act. I dont know where your getting your information on that we are not doing any damage to the terrorist over there, but know that we are and the troops over there are fighting 24/7 so people here in the States can proptest them being over there. I know when i was over there in Iraq and Afghanistan and still today when i see people protesting the war it drives me crazy and pisses me off. Unless you have been there and fought in the war you can not know what is going on over there except for what the news reports. Oh and in 2003 when the War started my whole company was waiting to get the word on who and when we would get a chance to go over there.


Thanks once again..i am no politician...just a former Army Infantryman.


First off let me thank you for your service....I hope you didnt misread what my comment was saying about the war. I dont ever say the military isnt doing any damage to the war on terror. My point is its a unwinnable war..there is a new terrorist born every second. How can you combat that? My point is when is enough going to be enough? Thats my point.

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