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Dog Problems


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a little over a year ago i picked up a new puppy he is brendle colored and has some pit bull in him. well he is a really loyal dog, problem is it is just to me. when i am around he is a really good dog and he is nice to people he knows. but this dog has some serious killer insticts. the other day he caught and killed a bird out of mid air! right in front of me, one of the most amazing things i have ever seen. he has drug home cats and even a pocupine. that was a nice vet bill. if people walk up to me and he doesn't know them he will growl and sit right next to me i'm afraid he is going to hurt someone. anyone else had this situation?



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I have a pit mix and I've worked with lots of dogs. I'm not sure about the bird and cat problem, but the protecting I think I can help. You need to show he that you are the Alpha male not him don't let him go first out or in the door. Don't tell him come on lets go,(just give a slight tug, or just start walking) keep him on a short leash. Don't give affection to get him to stop grawling. I could go on and on but try a few of these things and you have to be consistant with them. It should help. Be in charge of the situation...If you need more help PM me


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a little over a year ago i picked up a new puppy he is brendle colored and has some pit bull in him. well he is a really loyal dog, problem is it is just to me. when i am around he is a really good dog and he is nice to people he knows. but this dog has some serious killer insticts. the other day he caught and killed a bird out of mid air! right in front of me, one of the most amazing things i have ever seen. he has drug home cats and even a pocupine. that was a nice vet bill. if people walk up to me and he doesn't know them he will growl and sit right next to me i'm afraid he is going to hurt someone. anyone else had this situation?

Otto was a handfull and then some when we got him. Got him at 10weeks old and he thought that he owned everything. It take lots of work to teach "Alpha Male" The one thing is, that you must continue to praise good behavior and not get loud or mean w/ him when he is bad, that only excites them more. It is not easy when you don't really know if you can trust them. Otto has come a long way from the days that he came close to trying to outrun a bullet.


PS Your dog is very cute.



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When my Shepard was young, he use to go after birds, jump right up into the air to get them and he was 70 to 75 pounds. My dad had a bird feeder at the end of the back yard and when you would let the dog out, he would go running right after them and he did get one once in mid air, it sure shocked me. But he stopped doing all that after he got out of his puppy stages after he was 2 or 3yrs old.


He too would sit down in front of me if someone he didn't know would come near me and just growl and show his teeth. I always felt safe with him around so I never did anything about it, he was the best guard dog to have and loved his family to death. God I miss that dog. :tear::tear:


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just to add to the good advice already stated, when he is on lead and you see people comming make sure YOU do not tense up at the thought of what he might do. The dog will sense you are tense and become concerned and will begin to feel threatened. Just remain calm and praise him when he does good.

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He's kind of old for puppy school but has he ever done that with you when you got him? I would try to find some kind of training class in your area and take him to it. Even if he already knows sit, stay, etc., the socialization will benefit him. They also have Canine Good Citizenship courses you could take with him. They are a lot of fun and they would probably help too. He needs some socializing skills.

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When i had my pit and lab mix she was very protective over the immediately family and did not like anybody to just walk in... We always had to answer the door so she would not lose her mind... but once she saw that we were friendly with them she instantly wanted to lick their face off. You got to let them know who is boss and not reward them for bringing home dead animals.

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even a pocupine.

:crackup: damn dogs.. :D



it is not so much "the killer instinct" but more of look what i brought home for you aren't you proud of of me?. there just trying to please the master. had a cat who use to do the same thing, but when she brought a live snake into the house, well that all she wrote... :crackup:

as long as she not going after people, little kids, i would still use caution and get her trained..



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