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Can you believe that I get paid to do fun sh*t like this. I recently went SPY Rigging and some of my Marines got it on video. Of course I didn't get to video it from my point of view, but you still get the point. Here are the links to two videos that some of our Marines took. Enjoy because I know that I did.


Spy Rigging


And befor any of you say anything, yes, the harness can hurt your junk if it isn't properly tightened!


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Thats looks like so much fun, Besides the balls hurting part. I work with surival gear at work and we were taught about harness tightness for that reason... Stay safe out there and enjoy the Far east reason.

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If that dont make you want to join the marines, I dont know what will. Unfortunately, I wont be joining the marines, heading to the brother branch, the Navy. Good luck over there and looks like a blast.



If you haven't shipped out yet, then you can still change your mind. Come on, you know you want to challege yourself! We had our Navy corpsman with us, and they had a blast.

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OMG my balls hurt...


i have herd that before :lol: i have done that but we used UH1. i have no use for a flying dildo, army CH-47 by all laws of physics it should not fly, but they sure crash like the top of the line models

have fun and be safe, and Fix your harness next time.. :idiot:




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