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Am I The Youngest Member?


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Wow this topic makes me feel old, but yet I still look like I'm 20 and I was born in the 70's. Guess I've got darn good genetics. :pimp:


Oh, when I was 17 I was driving around in a 1986 Mercury Capri GS fastback. For those who have no clue what that is, it was The Mercury version of the Ford Mustang.



:withstupid: Mna my first vehicle was a 1985 chevy S-10 with no motor built a 350 for it but before i can insatll it i bought a 68 chevy !! i wish my first vehicle was this nice!!!!!

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class of 98. first vehicle, 85 ford ltd crown vic. plenty of room in the back seat though!! :D



Lol nice back seat. Just to let you all know I payed for half of my truck and my parents gave me the rest. And I also pay for everything that involves my truck, gas, insurance, mods, etc and I work 25-30 hours a week so dont think I'm some spoiled little brat spending mommy and daddys money. It was basically an early graduation gift.

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i graduated in 04.. just helping you guys feel a bit older... first vehicle: 1991 SS 454 silverado..it was technically my dad's "boat pulling truck".. First vehicle i bought: 01 24v cummins reg cab standard bed, i never did anything to it, and i regret it. i miss them both though :tear:

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i used to hold that title! I been driving the SS since I was 16, then took over payments when i got my job at 17. I'm 19 now, turnin 20 in october. Class of o7! hahai just noticed.. 20 sounds like such a boring age.. twenty... yep.. very dull.. haha

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Was 19 when I got my truck paid for it in full cash.. 20 now.



Beat up a lot of kids for their lunch money? lol just kidding man!



But yeah I'm 20 and work my a$$ of to pay for the truck. Going to be working 10x as hard when I get into the Navy :flag:


As for my 1st truck... 2000 Tacoma. ( Back-seat was tiny :jester: )

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