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Need Your Prayers Guys


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I'm in tears as i write this so please bear with me if i ramble...


My oldest dane Oscar and my youngest Murphy got kennel cough from our new neighbors dogs...They put them in their backyard 2 weeks ago and 3 days later Murphy was sick and he passed it to Oscar...Oscar had a vet visit in Feb. that wasnt great but he seamed to be just fine until he got this.....I took him in friday and they gave him meds and said yeah kennel cough with high fever...


well skip to today ....the fever has gone down but he still isnt eating and he is very lethargic...his gums look pale to me so the vet said bring him in...I did and the vet listened to his heart and lungs and told me he is in trouble..:( I left him there for blood tests and x-rays and the vet said he will call me as soon as they know something...the waiting game begins..


I really need your prayers for my bubba and us...In a time of excitement from a new house and job we get kicked in the balls bby this...The greatest man i knew other than my dad died before he could see me walk the stage for HS...Now this..i'm 2 weeks away from graduation and i may lose one of my best friends..AGAIN...


TIA for reading..


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Thanks Danny...I'm worried how i a going to react if he doesnt make it....I have locked up my past of violance since highschool....I used to punch out people for just staring at me funny...Me and the neighbors ar enot on good terms...and i'm afraid of how i will act when i see them and he doesnt make it....

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Thanks Danny...I'm worried how i a going to react if he doesnt make it....I have locked up my past of violance since highschool....I used to punch out people for just staring at me funny...Me and the neighbors ar enot on good terms...and i'm afraid of how i will act when i see them and he doesnt make it....



Dont worry about the neighbors and what they are or are not doing....Just focus on your family and what is ahead of you....I really feel he will be okay brad..just keep fighting for him...he needs to guys right now.

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Brad, I have you guys in my prayers. I know you are in a hard place right now, but keep your chin up and hope for the best. You know Danny and I are here for you and your family. Keep us posted. I will wish for the best.

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hey Brad,


i will be praying for you, i have 2 dogs of my own and could not imagine losing them. try to keep your spirits up and think good thoughts, in a time like this i know it can be tough but it seems to help me.

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man im so sorry.....my boxer is the love of my life....i cant imagin what ur goin thru.....but WTF is kennel cough? never heard of it????



keep ur head up man....hope for the best but TRY and brace urself for the worst....its all u can do

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wow ... tough hit there man, I feel for you. My stomach drops when I even think about losing one of my animal buddies, I feel for you. Hopefully Oscar will be strong and live on to torment those neighbors. Best of luck for a good phone call

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Brad,i am sorry to hear of your dogs sickness,there isnt much i could do or say to help in your time of need other than to say keep thinking positive thoughts they will give you positive outcomes where negative thoughts=negative outcomes,a lot of people on the forum are pulling for your family and have your back.You will get past this hurdle and be better for it,my prayers are with you God bless.

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dude brad im really sorry to hear that :( ive lost 2 dogs before one to sickness 1 to a car and died in my hands, i know how ur feeling, and hopefully the vet will come back with some good news for you. if you need anything you know everyone on here is more than happy to help you out! ill hope for the best for you!

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