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Needing Your Prayers

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wellguys I just got out the ICU and omg :( but the good news is that his blood sugar is down. In the 90s but still not urinating but my family wants to thank u from the bottom of our hearts ur prayers are working please keep them coming


F*cking awesome man good to hear that they got it down to normal, hope he gets back to good health and if the worst was to happen that he go in peace. prayers with u bro.



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we're here for you....that's why a living will is very important...G-d forbid if I was in that situation i wouldnt want to be revived either....keeping a family member alive can become a selfish act at a certain point when it goes beyond preserving life...Do what you and your family feels right in your hearts, there's nothing to feel guilty about letting a loved one pass

ES :flag:

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well guys my family and I want to thank all for ur prayer we greatly apreciate it but unfortunantly there taking my grandpa out of ICU cus there is nothing left they can do just to let him go on his own well he had a good life and a wonderful man and a awesome grandpa he will be dearly missed



I love u chewy I miss u

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Johnny i am sorry to hear about your Grandpa but like you said its better to let him go than keep him living in pain,i dont think anyone would that but look on the the bright side you at least had a lot of precious memories to look back on the only granparent i knew was my grandma and that was only for 2 short years before she passed,just be thankful for the time your family had with him and know that you must be a better man for knowing him and all he taught you,i will keep your family in my prayers.

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well guys he didnt make it out of ICU I came to see him this morning and he wasent doin well then maybe an hour later he past I guess he was waiting on all of us to be in one place with him but he's in a better place with my grandma drinking coffee




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