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America's Favorite Mom-my Wife

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Hello all, it has been a long time since last I had the time to get on these boards. My wife, whom returned from Iraq in 2006, has since returned but went back to Iraq with a bang. As a semi finalist in "Teleflora's America's Favorite Mom" sponsored by NBC, Redbook, and USAA. Of the 15,000 online entrants, my wife CPT Rosanna V. Brown was select in the top 15, and one of three military moms. She was one of two whom are currently deployed to OIF. The other was in Kuwait, Rosanna is in Baghdad...AGAIN.


For those interested access these links, you will see my wife, my daughter [who may have a career in movies] and me [and the reason I will not]. Especially look at the nominee videos they are pretty good and justly timed for mother's day. Did anyone know that it is Mother's Day's 100th birthday. I didn't before this.





She is a great officer, medical provider and mothers. She is incredible and I should have shared this with brother and sister SS owners. Voting is over and we are waiting for word if she goes to Los Angeles for the final. Actually she would be doing this live via satellite in Baghdad and we will be going if all goes well.


Support your local Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors.





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Congrats to her and your family for the nomination alone. Good luck during the rest of the competition!!


And we've all said it before several times but it can never be said enough, Thank You, your wife, and ALL that serve (and have served) both home and abroad for all that you do!



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Congrats to her and your family for the nomination alone. Good luck during the rest of the competition!!


And we've all said it before several times but it can never be said enough, Thank You, your wife, and ALL that serve (and have served) both home and abroad for all that you do!





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Carmona, they will promote anyone to SSG. Just kidding. Sucks being an analyst, yes? Be patient and you will probably be a MSG/1SG in 4 years!! Things are good here in Central Texas. Big Sky takes on a new meaning here.


Currently working as a Intel Analyst for CID. Pretty Cool job. I get to find out where speed traps are.

LOL. Just kidding again....me, speed??


Rosanna lost in the finals to a lady that founded a great military care package program and her 100,000 volunteers voted hundreds of times (from what I gather). The votes were not in it for an active duty wife in Iraq. However, we were honored and humbled to share my wife's story with everyone. Elisa sure has grown up, huh?


Good hearing from you, where you at....or cant you divulge your location? Take care and keep safe if you are where I think you are.



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