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Trans Might Be Slipping

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hello everyone. do you guys think the tranny is slipping. here is what I have. if the truck seats there for a couple days and when I go out and drive it, it seems to slipp from 1st to 2nd but only at the very end of first gear, right before it goes into second. the weird thing is that once the truck warms up it goes away and doesnt seem to do it anymore unless the truck sits there for a couple days. weird to me. oil level is good. any help. :uhoh:

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i had a cracked accumulator piston in my transmission that made it do something similar. Take it to a good tranny guy and have him look at it... could be a simple $400.00 fix. Of course, I have no clue what I am talking about... lol

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well here is the hole story. I just had all the fluids serviced a couple months ago. the tranny fluid is fine. It all started about two months ago when the truck was stolen. after I got the truck back from the body shop I noticed it once then it went away. second the stole it a month ago I told the ins. company about the issue now they are Dickn me around. I will take it to tranny shop here soon. Any good shops around LAX area.

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sounds kinda like your 2-4 band is bad. I would say that would be more then likely.


If it starts doing it when shifting to overdrive, I would say that would be it more then likely.


Although U will have a hard time trying to find a tranny guy who will jus replace the band.<Should be around $500 for that repair.


They all want to rebuild the whole thing and collect your 2 grand. :cheers:



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