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Pulled Over Again...


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So just thought i'd put it out there.. Yeah I got pulled over again for my tint... First thing the cop said was, "The truck looks nice! Can I see your license please?" haha Oh and then the cop was nice enough to point out that my driver side tail was out. It's my fourth time gettin pulled over for the tint.. I'm starting to wonder if i can just ask them to bill me $160 a month to keep them on and save me the hassle of gettin pulled over monthly haha

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Several yrs ago I was having the same trouble here in Missouri. Getting tickets all the time. I found out here that you can get permits to have tint. My wife is blind as a bat so we (she) got a recommendation slip from here eye doctor to get tint. I tinted the windows the legal amount 35% and she took it to the Highway Patrol office they inspected it and she got a little permit sticker to put on the truck. Once thats was on I removed the tint and put darker tint on (20%). Didnt have any trouble from then on. I think are more relaxed about the tint in Missouri now. I moved away for a 1 1/2 (Colorado) and got the SS and put 5% on the back 3 window and the truck tint on the driver and pass. window already but I put 20% on them and we moved back to MO in JAN. 08 and have had any problem with my truck windows.

But I guess I'm saying try to get so kind of a permit from a Doctor (eye problems, skin problems, or any thing that relates to sun problems!!!!

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Several yrs ago I was having the same trouble here in Missouri. Getting tickets all the time. I found out here that you can get permits to have tint. My wife is blind as a bat so we (she) got a recommendation slip from here eye doctor to get tint. I tinted the windows the legal amount 35% and she took it to the Highway Patrol office they inspected it and she got a little permit sticker to put on the truck. Once thats was on I removed the tint and put darker tint on (20%). Didnt have any trouble from then on. I think are more relaxed about the tint in Missouri now. I moved away for a 1 1/2 (Colorado) and got the SS and put 5% on the back 3 window and the truck tint on the driver and pass. window already but I put 20% on them and we moved back to MO in JAN. 08 and have had any problem with my truck windows.

But I guess I'm saying try to get so kind of a permit from a Doctor (eye problems, skin problems, or any thing that relates to sun problems!!!!



i had thought of that..... here in PA..... only down fall is.... they put a restriction on your license so if you are driving, vehicle must be tinted, or you must be in sunglasses..... if not youll be in some trouble.

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they are cracking down alot latey. Whats the deal?

I got pulled over last week for tint as well. No ticket. The cop was actually pretty cool about it. He told me the state inspection stations would never pass it, but I could probably find a local shop that would.

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I used to wear eye glasses for reading... and i do have some what sensitive eyes.. so out of curiosity, what will be the deciding factor that will get the optometrist to give me a permit? haha

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Good luck...I have a huge light sensitivity issue in the summer from tree/pollen alergies. The eye doctor was willing to do it but APD and AST laughed me out of their offices.


I have only added 20% to the front driver and passenger windows and have been stopped 3 times now. All three times I just told the officer about my light sensitivity issue and they let me go without a problem (luckily all three stops have been in spring/summer). I have never been issued a "fix-it" and apparently have not been flagged in their system as having been warned either (means each cop treats it as a first time offense).

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Good luck...I have a huge light sensitivity issue in the summer from tree/pollen alergies. The eye doctor was willing to do it but APD and AST laughed me out of their offices.


I have only added 20% to the front driver and passenger windows and have been stopped 3 times now. All three times I just told the officer about my light sensitivity issue and they let me go without a problem (luckily all three stops have been in spring/summer). I have never been issued a "fix-it" and apparently have not been flagged in their system as having been warned either (means each cop treats it as a first time offense).


I have 20% also and man i have the worst luck at the end of the month. I guess they're just trying to meet quota or something.. I got a fix it ticket every time. Is every tint ticket a fix it ticket? I'm pretty sure they know its not the first time i've been stopped...?

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It's my understanding, from a couple of APD buddies, that you are only supposed to get 1 "fix-it." "Fix-it" means you can go to court to contest the ticket, prooving that you have removed the tint from the window, and not have to pay the fine. If you get nailed again for tint then you supposedly are asked to pay a $100 per window fine.



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In these parts if you get nailed for tint it's either a "fix it" ticket or a fine.

The fine is $125 , no matter how many windows are in violation.

If you get the "fix it" ticket and remedy your violation like a good boy/girl, all is fine with the world. If you happen to re-tint your windows dark again and they catch you, they can (and have) towed the vehicle on the second violation stating that the vehicle is not safe for operating on the roadway. It's certainly a roll of the dice.

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i got a tint ticket the week i was leavin alaska 4 Arizona and i paid it.... but here in AZ everyone has tint........ even the cops...... and i love not needing a front plate!! oh and the dub car show was here last weekend it was fun ludacris shawtylo webbie and ice-T with coco were there performin my left ear is still ringing from the bass..... it was SWEET!!!!

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