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Horrible Night Last Night

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Well me and my buddy were headin to town to return movies to blockbuster and i had the ACT in the morning so we weren't planin for much out of the night. So my friends gets him a six pack of beer and we head through town on our way to return movies. Well he has ungodly loud exhaust and illegal taillights and colored blinkers. So we get pulled over ( and yes i know stupidly) he had just had a sip or two of beer. Well he gets asked to step out and after a lil bit i do to and he gives me a field sobriety test. (which i passed) but i had to give him my license. And the only bad part for me is that me and my stupid friends had just messed with it one day to jokingly see if we could get a vertical license to pass for 21. But my license turned out horrible so i put it back in my wallet and forgot about it. Until last night of course. The cop first told me he was takin the license and i better find a ride before he changes his mind and arrest me for obstruction of justice for hiding the beer for my friend. So i finally get a ride and he comes back up to me given me hell for the altered license . So three hours later i leave with a court date. it was almost a thrid degree felony to have a fake I.D. but since my was only altered and not completely fake hopefully its just a misdemeanor. but im nervous as hell i have a ton of scholoarships on the line. and can't figure this out til monday. Any body got any legal advise or dealt with this before. sorry for the extremely long post :confused: thanks

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i think your in trouble man....i'm not trying to judge i was that age once but if I had scholorships that could be revoked at a drop of a hat for a felony the last thing i'd do is put myself in a situation like you did....IMO altered slightly or completely its a fake ID..maybe the judge will look into your situation and if you dont have a history of trouble making then hopefully he will take it easy on you....but either way get rid of it and if you must drink before the allowable age get someone to buy it for you..its not that hard we all used to do it.

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i think your in trouble man....i'm not trying to judge i was that age once but if I had scholorships that could be revoked at a drop of a hat for a felony the last thing i'd do is put myself in a situation like you did....IMO altered slightly or completely its a fake ID..maybe the judge will look into your situation and if you dont have a history of trouble making then hopefully he will take it easy on you....but either way get rid of it and if you must drink before the allowable age get someone to buy it for you..its not that hard we all used to do it.



I agree. chaulk this up as a lesson learned the hard way. I'm sure that if you have a clean record, the judge will hit you with a fine. However, I have no idea of you age and if you're under 18, he could suspend you license depending on your state laws.


Good luck man!


I worked the door at a bar and it wasn't hard to spot a fake. We would take them. It was rare that one of the four of us missed out on one. If one of us did, and another thought he saw something, we would hand it off. Alot of times, if we had a police detail, the couldn't tell the difference. Texas fakes were almost perfect up here. Almost. :D

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I have had about 10 fake id's snatched away from me from the time I was 18-almost 21, all they ever did was just cut them up and tell me to get out of there. This was police officers too. I didnt realize you could get in so much trouble nowadays

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i think your in trouble man....

:withstupid: Agreed, you're momentary lapse in good judgement may have just screwed your scholorships.......I hope it all works out for you, the last thing you need is a felony on your record.

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Similar situation happened to me cpl yrs back. My buddy was makin us fakes by scratchin the numbers or something like that. Well the tard leaves his wallet at kwik trip and there were like 4 ids in there so we all got called in because the kwik trip lady turned it to the cops. Well nothing happened to us because we didnt alter the Id's which is what the felony is So if you didnt do it and your buddy admits to it just chip in a pay for his ticket if its a misdemeanor. Luckily the kid that was doing that for us got off b/c he was goin to the army in like 2 weeks so nothing happened at all.

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Well if the judge is forgiving, you'll probably get off with a fine, and massive amount of community service and nothing on your record to effect your scholarships, obviously if you have scholarships you're a good student etc. so plead/play around with that for your best results. Just admit you were being dumb etc. Won't happen again and see how it rolls.

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Wow that really sucks man. I used to have a fake from Maine but I somehow lost it. After reading that I'm kinda glad it's lost, even tho I'm not getting any scholorship's I still would hate to have charges pressed on me for having it.

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yea the crap thing is it happened before the weekend so ill find out whats really up tomorrow. The cop was an ass i think for doin something he already was takin my buddy to jail. But the cop said the states attorney ( or who ever it is that prosecutes) will look at it and it might be dismissed. But i doubt that will happen i have a paper that says something about a court date...so damn. But yea i know it was stupid and i think my ships will be safe i know a kid that goes to tallahasse with a full ride and he got under age drinkin ticket and he just had fines. But if i do have to see the judge im gettin a lawyer, i know one that deals with these kinda things in this county all the time. If it had been my home county i think this wouldn't have happened. I have gave the same license to a cop in a different county and he gave it back to me and said get a new one.

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