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Pics At Sprayed99s House (tranny Install)


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"Danny Tranny" thats catchy maybe He should start building trannys :thumbs:
lol i coined that


he does build trannys his tranny is in alot of trucks on here including mean05 whos puting down nearly 600rwhp

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look, you needed three monkeys,,errr friends to help you too.

how long? the Bonjinators record for his tranny swap party was 18 grueling hours and what.. 15 phone calls to Danny Tranny Inc?

i did all the work danny was at work i had a local friend help we had it out in 3 hours but were taking our time puting it back in took and hour

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If I had the trans already pulled, how long does it take to get the new one in and up and running?

The times that I've done mine by myself, usually an evening after work is all I need and that's not rushing it, say 3-4 hours tops; with help it goes *much* faster. The most time-consuming part for me is all the junk held by the bellhousing bolt studs, and the converter bolts & starter; after that the rest of the job is pretty-much downhill.


Also keep in mind, this is an AWD truck, the 2WD trucks are FAR easier to do the swap because for whatever design reason you can get to the top 2 bellhousing bolts easily from under the truck with a 3-ft extension and swivel socket - I've tried 3-times on my truck, the only way to get the top 2 bellhousing bolts is reaching my hand down the firewall from the top of the motor.


Mr. P. :)

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So, how much does a Danny Tranny run, cost wise? Also, what does the Danny Tranny have done to it?


to me it seems lik a very very reasonable price, im really really considering getting one of them from Danny.



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Wow I forgot about the days of crawling around under cars in my moms garage, that sucked ass. Im spoiled now I just use the lifts at work. Those fans look great I wish I could afford some right now.



I prefer to work on a lift also but doing it on the ground is no biggie either. When I build the new house in the next 2 years it will have a 60x80 shop no more working on the ground..

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some of you will be recieving these in the mail soon these beautiful fans pull so hard just put your truck in neutral and let them suck you down the highway



Just to clarify - this photo is the prototype set from my truck, the production kits are much improved with a powdercoated finish, a modular wiring harness w/ Delphi MetriPak connector, and redesigned bottom flange - they make this one look like a high-school autoshop project. :smash:


OH, and if you were impressed with how much air they pulled, remember that we were testing them with only a 12v battery - they pull much more air with 14v alternator power!


Mr. P. :)

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The times that I've done mine by myself, usually an evening after work is all I need and that's not rushing it, say 3-4 hours tops; with help it goes *much* faster. The most time-consuming part for me is all the junk held by the bellhousing bolt studs, and the converter bolts & starter; after that the rest of the job is pretty-much downhill.


Also keep in mind, this is an AWD truck, the 2WD trucks are FAR easier to do the swap because for whatever design reason you can get to the top 2 bellhousing bolts easily from under the truck with a 3-ft extension and swivel socket - I've tried 3-times on my truck, the only way to get the top 2 bellhousing bolts is reaching my hand down the firewall from the top of the motor.


Mr. P. :)

Trick i learned was to remove rear trans mount bolts from x-member raise and remove that mount completly,then set it back down on x-member,creates better angle, then go at the top bolts, easy peasy.

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