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Ah Those Traffic Cameras Caught Me!

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yeah well like the topic title says ....... i went to the mailbox hoping it would be something for the new house i just moved into(like a confirmation saying my 46 inch lcd tv was here).... but no i get a mail from the city of tempe arizona..... addressed to my old adress in ALASKA!! lol well i open it up and i c on one of the papers a picture of me driving and a pic of my license plate..... and i also c a paper saying i was going 57 in a 40 which i might have been going but dont really remember........ but anyways i dont know if i should pay or just go to driving school the payment is only like 160 but would that go on my record???? will my insurance go up?????? dont know how the points work here in arizona but shoot i didnt think those cameras caught u if u were speedin thought they only caught u if u ran a red..... oh and the funny part is i can VIEW the video of me SPEEDING that is crazy in alaska we never had these things now im gona have to watch my speed >_<............ anyone ever ran into this problem???

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Well they are being challenged around here and haven't been in use for a while but they haven't ruled them out yet so there just sitting there until everything is confirmed which who knows how long it will be but as far as I know it doesn't go on your record at all as long as you pay the ticket. My brother got a few speeding ones and one red light one and he gone to court lately for other tickets for speeding and those were never brought up. The reason they don't go on your record is because they can't prove that it was you driving because either A) Picture is to blurry to see a face and even then its not clear enough to prove it was you driving and B) They mostly take pictures at and after the light showing you didn't hit your brakes and stuff like that and they are focused on your license plate. So I wouldn't be worried about it going on your record as they can't prove it was you driving your truck. Obviously it was your truck but other than that they don't have jack. Hope this helps.

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Sorry dude, I should have warned you about these damn cameras. They are everywhere. Even on the freeways to catch speeders so don't go over 70 on the 101 around Scottsdale. They are hard to beat unless you can prove you were not driving the truck. Just take the class. Cost less then the ticket and should not affect your insurance depending on who you have. Won't add points either. Good luck man!


Oh yeah, watch out for the popo out in Avondale and Tolleson. :cheers:

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the violation for running a yellow light is equivalent to runninng a red



Seriously? ask anyone here that's from Houston yellow lights are fair game lol.


Anywayz, i got a speeding ticket a while back paid it(160) (traffic school would of dropped it to 120) and my insurance did not go up or anything :dunno: .

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I can't figure out how in the world those cameras are constitutional. Not to mention how the pictures escape the rules of evidence regarding photographs. I would fight that all day long.

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