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Drunk Guys Piss Me Off!


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Im on an adrenaline high right now but ill try and edit myself as i type.


So i was inside the house (i live in a seperate building) at about 9:50 i head to my apartment, once i head upstairs i hear this mumble and im like WTF! So low an behold some drunk/ drugged up guy is in our yard, fu%^ing @ss hole leaning ON MY TRUCK :fume: rambling on about some sh*t or other. I call my dad (brought some heat) I tell this jackass to GTFO Well sais alright, well we are fenced in and this guy got in trew one section that is getting repaired, so this guy jumps the fence (metal whit spikes at the top) and dude gets cut, their was blood on the fence when we whent out to look.


Ok so i get on the phone to call the cops, so 30 minutes later the cop drives by our house 2 TIMES does not even bother to stop and leaves :mad: (is this procedure?) Now my 2 little sisters are scared and their is a drunk guy romming the neighboor hood!!! My dad was about to blast the dude but me and my mom stopped him.


Back to the fence, this dude pretty much just fliped over the section beign renovated (since we bought the land next door) and bent the chicken wire!! I guess he was walking acroos the yard and got held up by the other side of the fence. Pretty much dude got trapped. Well it's safe to say ill be in the market for a gun!!!



Edited by NTMD8R_SS (see edit history)
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Yeah some people are complete morons when drunk, I usually just walk away because 90% of the time they're so drunk they really don't know what they're talking about and as long as they don't make move to hit me or something I just ignore them. Don't feel like dealing with the problems that arise from that sh*t.

Edited by ScottSS04 (see edit history)
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Yeah some people are complete morons when drunk, I usually just walk away because 90% of the time they're so drunk they really don't know what they're talking about and as long as they don't make move to hit me or something I just ignore them. Don't feel like dealing with the problems that arise from that sh*t.



Yeah, i was in the 2nd story balcony when i told him to get out, he tried to open the gate but it was locked and he decided to jump the fence. I was no way going to get near him, dude was gone of something bad.

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i certainly dont think you need to kill someone for being drunk on your property... if he poses an immediate threat to you or your family, that is another story, but killing some sloppy drunk for leaning on your car will get you a "go directly to jail and do not pass go" card...


why are people so afraid to kick some ass once and awhile, hell, the guy is already drunk, isnt that advantage enough?? this doesnt just go for you, ntmd8r... so dont take it personal, im just trying to make a point to those people who run and pick up a gun and think they are instantly a man...


FWIW, I have a CCW in 32 states, am a certified firearms instructor for the NRA, and teach weapons training on a regular basis, so I am pro-guns... BUT, guns are not the answer for every situation, period.

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he's probably bled out dead by now....problem solved.




i certainly dont think you need to kill someone for being drunk on your property... if he poses an immediate threat to you or your family, that is another story, but killing some sloppy drunk for leaning on your car will get you a "go directly to jail and do not pass go" card...


why are people so afraid to kick some ass once and awhile, hell, the guy is already drunk, isnt that advantage enough?? this doesnt just go for you, ntmd8r... so dont take it personal, im just trying to make a point to those people who run and pick up a gun and think they are instantly a man...


:withstupid: Agreed, unless he posing an immediate threat on your life then you can't shoot him. I would have just smacked him around a bit and called it a night. :smash:

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Yeah Dave that's what i told my dad, I just told him let him go away (but since we have 2 kids at the house my dad didn't want to take a chance). Not sure if the cops found him, we where outside in the drive way and he didn't even see us :dunno: (well he didn't stop). the only reason i want a gun is incase someone would try and rob us, i live seperate from the family and i have no protection. Well hopefully this does not happen again, oh yeah i was not about to touch his ass dude was in just shorts dirty ass hell not sure where he ended up going.

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