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Obama's Birth Certificate


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take a look at this




this could be true


edit: another important note is that his father was a bigamist. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigamy

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You are going to believe a blogger? 99.9% of bloggers know nothing...they don't base their assumptions on facts, rather they tell people what they want to hear. I'm pretty sure that he is a United States citizen...you have to be to run for President of the United States. What...do you think his parents cheated the government....haha

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Ok, since you guys are questioning Obama's birth certificate (therefore his U.S. citizenship), why doesn't anyone care about McCain? He was born in a military controlled zone in Panama for petes sake. No one seems to care about that issue. I guess it boils down to the issue of race.

Edited by KissMySilvSS (see edit history)
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Ok, since you guys are questioning Obama's birth certificate (therefore his U.S. citizenship), why doesn't anyone care about McCain? He was born in a military controlled zone in Panama for petes sake. No one seems to care about that issue. I guess it boils down to the issue of race.


Someone told me once that it is sometimes better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Your comment proves that you really have no idea about U.S. Citizenship and how it is determined; especially in regards to military families serving abroad.


Children born overseas to two American parents.

A child born overseas to a married couple, both of whom are American citizens is automatically an American, as long as one parent had a residence in the U.S. prior to the birth of the child.


No particular period of residence is required; even a residence of one day is sufficient.


The parents can obtain proof of their child’s citizenship by reporting the birth to the nearest American consulate or embassy, and asking for a passport for the child. The Department of State will issue a Certificate of Birth Abroad for these new American citizens.


Children born overseas to one American parent, one foreign citizen.

For children born after November 14, 1986, the married U.S. citizen parent -- male or female -- can "transmit" citizenship to his or her foreign-born child. The U.S. citizen parent must prove that he or she was physically present in the United States for five years prior to the child’s birth, and two of those years must be after age 14.


Time in military service overseas or as a military dependent counts as "physical presence" in the United States. In most cases, the U.S. citizen parent can simply go to the nearest American embassy or consulate and apply for a U.S. passport for the child.


The new Child Citizenship Act also establishes a new procedure which allows the child to travel to the United States on a visitor’s visa and obtain a certificate of citizenship here.

Edited by Lefty (see edit history)
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i think both obama and mccain are garbage. its picking the lesser of two evils, the same as the past elections. we just can't get a brake in this country with these trash presidents. the game is rigged folks, you don't have to be a political expert to see that either.

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i doubt thats true, dont get me wrong, i would love nothing more than for them to find out it was true and have him taken out of the election, and put someone else in so McCain would win. i have a hard time believing that NO ONE has done a background check or seen that if it is infact real.

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i am tired of readding bash obama threads..i never take sides but damn i'm tired of seeing these threads...where are the McCain threads at????..lets be fair




im just tired of reading all political threads, especially here :driving: . if i want to read about it then i'll do the research myself. as i said in the last political thread (which is now deleted), live and let live!


birth certificate...puh! what is this little league, where the opposing team finds out that the pitcher is too old, and only cares because hes a dominate player?

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im just tired of reading all political threads, especially here :driving: . if i want to read about it then i'll do the research myself. as i said in the last political thread (which is now deleted), live and let live!


birth certificate...puh! what is this little league, where the opposing team finds out that the pitcher is too old, and only cares because hes a dominate player?


i think we should all talk about our country and its problems, not just let them be! thats too american if we just let the shit keep hitting the fan. F- that


GO HILLARY lol whoever the president is better get us out of the sandbox!! and lower gas prices and be better than bush!! i know this is selfish but WE SHOULD ONLY WORRY ABOUT US.... we have UN 4 international shit


right now after all the debt were in with other country's, yes we should just focus on us. but if you weren't born yesterday, you'd see that is all they're big plan. to get us in so much national debt that we will all eventually come together as a one world government, economy, ect.... look at history and you'll see it alot. just look at the EU & the AU, were heading down that road as well with the NAU. history is really the key to see towards the future.

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Someone told me once that it is sometimes better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Your comment proves that you really have no idea about U.S. Citizenship and how it is determined; especially in regards to military families serving abroad.


Children born overseas to two American parents.

A child born overseas to a married couple, both of whom are American citizens is automatically an American, as long as one parent had a residence in the U.S. prior to the birth of the child.


No particular period of residence is required; even a residence of one day is sufficient.


The parents can obtain proof of their child’s citizenship by reporting the birth to the nearest American consulate or embassy, and asking for a passport for the child. The Department of State will issue a Certificate of Birth Abroad for these new American citizens.


Children born overseas to one American parent, one foreign citizen.

For children born after November 14, 1986, the married U.S. citizen parent -- male or female -- can "transmit" citizenship to his or her foreign-born child. The U.S. citizen parent must prove that he or she was physically present in the United States for five years prior to the child’s birth, and two of those years must be after age 14.


Time in military service overseas or as a military dependent counts as "physical presence" in the United States. In most cases, the U.S. citizen parent can simply go to the nearest American embassy or consulate and apply for a U.S. passport for the child.


The new Child Citizenship Act also establishes a new procedure which allows the child to travel to the United States on a visitor’s visa and obtain a certificate of citizenship here.



Your right, I know nothing. I have only spent my last four years studying Political Science-American Politics, Diplomacy, and Foreign Relations, Constitutional Law, etc, etc..on my way to earning my bachelors degree magna cum lade with departmental distinction...but I guess I should just keep my mouth shut as I know nothing.


This is what one constitutional law scholar believes:


"Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth."



The issue at hand is if McCain is a "Natural Born Citizen" since he was born in Panama. This question was raised time and again in my Con Law classes. Every time the class would split 50/50.


"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President -- The Constitution of the United States, Article II Section 1"


It will be interesting to see if the courts will challenge the meaning of natural born citizen if McCain is elected. Many in Congress want to clarify it now rather than after he is elected.



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