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Starting Today, No More Using Ur Cell Phone Unless Its Hands Free


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Stupid young teenage girls in CA

:withstupid: and NY, my buddies '06 Accord just got totalled for that very reason....19 year old girl texting her friend blew a red light at 60mph and t-boned his car, damn near bent it into a U :idiot::nonod:

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seriously who in their right mind would text while driving?


I text while driving, and if I talk on my phone (rarely) I'd use speaker phone. I have the LG Voyager with the keyboard so I flip it up, put it in the middle of my steering wheel (above the center where the air bag and horn is) hold onto it with hand along with holding onto the steering wheel and type. I don't need to look at the keys to know what I type. And yeah when I read it I put it in the same spot and look down to read a line then back up at road. It's not hard, nor am I irresponsible about it. If I had a problem with it and not be able to watch what I'm doing then I wouldn't do it. I have more of a problem with older people driving then anything dealing with cell phones or whatever.

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Unfortunately, we have to pass laws to cater to the masses. I won't argue the point of anyones ability to text/talk on a cell phone while driving. Some can, some can't. The simple fact is that the vast majority of people on the road today, young and old, CANNOT do either. So in order to insure everyones safety we have to all wait a few minutes before the next phone call. I don't like it but I agree with the law in this case. JMHO

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WTF i just bought mine last week i did not get one!!


Well New York was the first state to implement this law and I have had the ENV and Voyager and never got a free bluetooth or anything. No offering was ever there here. Just like a 20$ discount off of a 60$ package so.. not worth it.

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Its a good thing I bought my Bluetooth a couple months ago! Today I had a couple of people at my tire shop stop by for service, and bragged that they already received a ticket for the new law. Iam just saving up for a minor aftermarket stereo system so my buddy can wire me a Bluetooth on there!

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I hate to say it but it's a good law. I wish KY would pass it. You just don't know how many people have almost hit me and I look in to see WTF and sure enough they are on their cell phone :wtf: This $hit happened today while I was leaving work. Stupid ho's lane merged into mine in the back of the parking lot(I've got right of way). I saw she was on the phone and watched her and she didn't even look up. If I would have kept on going she would have hit me :banghead:

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I could see the good in it, But Man O' Man are the cops going to be busy. The only time I talk on the Cell while driving is when I make a call and that's usually only when I get off the main roads and on the back roads or if I'm at a store or fast food place, I'll call to see if Wife or kid want's anything. If you try and reach me while I'm driving you will most likely fail. I got tunes going and won't hear the phone LOL


I pretty much like when I forget my phone at home. I'm not reachable at all ;)

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