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Damn Thieves

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A few days ago someone tried to steal my escalade from the work parkade but got scared off. They spent time trying to punch in the lock cylinder on the driver side door and failed, but not to be detered they went around to the passenger side door and managed to punch out the lock cylinder. They got into the truck and proceeded to try and steal it, but instead grabbed some minor items like a parking pass, i pod connector and some old CDs. None the less they dented both doors in the process, cracked two door handle bezels, broke two lock mechanisms, and the plastic covering of the steering column. I proceeded to inform the police and went to the district office to write it up. The lazy officer proceeded to try and give me a run around saying that he couldn't write it up as the district office was closing in 40 minutes. After forcing the officer to do his job, I got the report and called insurance, which informed me of the 1000 deductable and the 2 week wait time for an appraisal. I would have gladly given the thieves my crap in the truck than go through all these inconvieniences they cause for just a few bucks worth of stuff.


Unfortunately I've been informed that punching the lock cylinder or jimmying through the door handle is a known flaw in getting into these trucks. I've ordered a jimmi jammer and hood latch jammer for all my GM trucks now and an immobilizer is on the way. It's just annoying that we have to spend money on these kinds of deterents to enjoy our trucks. I am going to put this on my SS for sure and I recommend that you guys and gals do as well to protect your truck.


Here's how they got into my truck:






Here's a link to the product I plan to buy:



Edited by ChevySSandChevy8.1 (see edit history)
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I feel your pain. in feb they tried to steel my sss and were scared off but not before causing $5000 worth od damage. my sss had to get painted since the arsshole keyed the out side up. after a month in the body shop two weeks later my sss gets stolen. luckly lojack found it the following morning with about $3000 worth of damage. I would love to find those SOB and run them over with the very same truck they wanted so bedly :fume:

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Sorry to hear this dude, this happend to my sis a couple of months ago. They broke in 2 her tahoe at a mall parking lot, broke her driver door lock, took her pescribed sunglasses, but the most important thing these ****ers took her backseats! She made a police report and filed a claim with her insurance, she paid only a 300 dollar deductible and got new seats. Its just a total PITA!!!!!!! Sorry 4 the long post....

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That sucks man.

That brough back flashbacks of when I had a truck stolen from my work. I went over 10 years with a stocker after that. I figured I try it again and bought the SS. I'm not in Cali anymore, but that don't mean chit.


Them PRICKS anymore get what they want regardless of protection.


I've heard liquid soap and tow trucks being used :(


At least you didn't lose your ride :)


My Ins is high but I choose ZERO comp for crap like this.


How much do them Jammers run?

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OK So do we have any auto security professionals here that can suggest a comprehensive security upgrade recipie? I would not mind spending a couple hundred bucks for the jimmy jammer products, I will most likely do that. But basically that will force the thief to bust out the window, right? I assume a good alarm is a must, but what about lojack or the GPS solutions on the market? How do we make the truck 'unattractive' enough that most scumbags will pass for easier pickings?


Mr. P. :)


:lol: I forgot, the StickDeath Security Anti-theft Device (have a nice dirt nap!)

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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my f250 was done the same way a few months ago. but they got alot more stuff. i had been planning on buying jimmy jammers for a couple of years now but i always forget and never do. it might have saved me but i dont know for sure. well i just made my order for them

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I'm also wondering, will a jimmy jammer also defeat a common slim jim?


Mr. P.


what about a trunk monkey?


in all seriousness though, if they want it bad enough, their gonna grab it. there are systems out there that will defeat some thieves, but there are some thieves out there that advance with technological advances.

Edited by KJT13 (see edit history)
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I'm also wondering, will a jimmy jammer also defeat a common slim jim?


Mr. P.

most cars built in the last 10 yrs. a slim Jim will most likely not work. most have a plate around the lock rods that you move with the slim Jim, to unlock the door. but there are special tools that can be used to by pass the plates, LOCK OUT KITS used by most tow co., and lock smith..


there is also different kits for specific makes/models. it takes a lot of practice to use them.


my preferred weapon of choice is a long rod and air wedge, almost any vehicle in and out in 30 sec..


the only other thing people can do to stop people from stealing your vehicle sorry to say, is Owen a POS that nobody would want.. :nonod:



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in all seriousness though, if they want it bad enough, their gonna grab it. there are systems out there that will defeat some thieves, but there are some thieves out there that advance with technological advances.

:withstupid: sad to say but its true, if they want it bad enough, they will get it........even if it means that it gets hooked and dragged up on a roll back :uhoh:

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