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Changing My Life.


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Hi Everyone - I hope all is good with you gents and your families. This was initially intended for reading by all of my local DFW friends, I was going to just send a ton of PMs but with how I live my life all of you here would learn what I am up to anyways and I don't have the time here at work to address a zillion PMs. So broadcast it is.


As many of you have come to know me this last few years (wow has it been that long?) I work in a software arhictecture and business development 'endeavor' with my father, and the situation between us has been deteriorating for over 10-years now, frankly it was never all that great going from sh!tty to real sh!tty to downright disdain. I have struggled for 22-years now literally sitting at the same desk with my father trying to spawn a relationship that will not happen, I realize now I should have accepted this when I was a teenager, but hope always grew eternal I guess...


That's Old News. I'll figure out the meaning of it all after I've moved on I guess.


New News - I wanted to share that I've announced I am leaving the family business and Stephenville. I have already pulled-up stakes and made temporary living arrangements with my adopted folks in Flower Mound, it's small but almost free and hey I was already spending all my time in DFW with you guys anyways ;) I have arranged a safe place to park the truck, what remains is to move the Firebird, the garage, major appliances, and my freakin' 400-lb TV! I am working totally without a plan but thinking I will rent a storage unit large enough to park the car and all my stuff in for the next few months until I am on my feet. I want to find a permanent place somewhere between Lake Dallas and Lake Ray Hubbard, McKinney is very nice as well but I am doubtful I can score a six-figure job in that area so we'll see.


Dan (sprayed99) has offered to arrange a car trailer to haul the Firebird up north this weekend (8/23-24), if anyone has time to help me move this weekend I'd love to buy you lunch here at Hard Eight - if you live around DFW and want to save gas I can pick you up, I'm sure I will be staying in Denton this Friday night and can provide carpool. If you would like to drive your own rig down and help move I'm glad to help with gas as best as I can, I'm broke but not that broke. If you are busy with family/job/school I completely understand, school starts this week and life is very busy for all of us.


I will still have the same cel number, and still be here on the forum. You can email me at [email protected] rather than here at work as I will no longer have access to that email.


OK gotta run, loose-ends to tie up.


Cheers - onward and upward.


- Steve.

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Good luck with your new endeavors. I feel your pain about the whole dad relationship, fortunately for me, I only spent a year working with mine before I realized something very important. A family business will only be successful if the family is successful first. In other words, if the family relations are not right, a business relationship will never be right with family. At 39, I still have not given up "hope" but for me the worst pain is the lack of relations between him and my kids. I better stop rambling now, this can be real depressing.

I hope (and know) all will work out positively for you, we all know your a survivor. :thumbs:

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Really sorry to hear about the relationship with your father. I can honestly say that my father is one of my best friends and it's a relationship I will always cherish. Sometimes it just doesn't work though so it's a smart move to move on. 2 years ago I walked out on a very good paying job because I just didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. Now I make about half the money I did then but I'm much happier all around. To me, that's the important part of life. You gotta do what makes you happy and quit chasing the almighty dollar. Never met you but from reading your comments on this site you sound like an intelligent, level headed person so I'm sure things will work out for you. Good luck. Remember, change can be good.

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and here i thought you were coming out of the closet... :jest:


JFWY man!



Best of luck to you cutting the metaphorical umbilical cord... here is a big tip... shoot for success for yourself not to prove it to your dad... no matter what you do, or how much you succeed, it will never be enough... i went through the same thing many years ago with my own dad... and with all of my success he just credits it to luck... or some other sh!t... make success your own!


we can choose our friends, not our family...


today is the first day of the rest of your life, the canvas is empty - paint your own picture!



as Rob Schneider from the water boy put it so eloquently...


"You can do it!!!"



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Glad to hear, Steve. I have to work this weekend, plus school starting up. But, if you need a place to keep/park stuff just let me know.

Thanks I might take you up on that. :cheers: Let me see what I've got to work with first.

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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I wish you all the luck in the world, Steve. I'm not close enough to help physically, but if you need any words of encouragement, just give a shout.


It's sad about the relationship with your dad. From a different perspective, both of my parents are gone now for over 30 years, and I still miss them. Maybe being apart for a while will help the situation some. Time heals all wounds, right? Good luck, man.

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If I recall correctly this isn't your first big move in life. You work in a field that really isn't going to be going away anytime soon. I doubt you'll be in between good and bad for very long. Good luck and keep us updated.

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Btw, we need to get the old Bird up and running. :thumbs:

It fires and runs, but has zero oil pressure :gasp: I removed the remote oil cooler/filter plumbing, I have to cut a gasket and reinstall the factory oil filter adapter and spin-on filter and we should be running. Idles *great* has a hesitation transitioning into the mains but whatcha gonna do when the carb has sat for 10 years. I'm getting some sheet gasket material and tomorrow night I'm going to wrench on it. Hell with luck I might even be able to drive it to DFW lol.


Mr. P.

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man...I have been in a family business for 20+years, being born into it is a PITA. Glad you are moving forward. glad you have a safe place for the truck



:withstupid: im in the same boat...been involved with the family busness forever.. and its a PITA some pros some cons.. and can also relate i dont have the strongest relationship with my dad ( parents are no longer together) hell yesterday was his bday and i didnt even call him..kinda feel bad..

anyways just wanted to wish you the best of luck . nice to know we got a HELLVA family here to lean on...and id be happy to store your truck and 400lbs tv.. :crackup:

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