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Another Sad Dog Story

SS Silv

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It is unfortunate to hear of all of the members on this site that have lost a family pet this past year. Well, today it happened to me and my family. This story is not only for me to vent, but to inform others to avoid the situation that happened to us.


Yesterday, my step-dad took our dog (Jax, an eskimo huskie) to the groomer for a bath and a hair cut. Jax hasalways been an extremely energetic dog that would never sit still. My step-dad was driving home with the dog and all of the windows were open in his CTS-V. Four blocks from home, we are assuming that jax was overwhelmed from the groomer and the drive home, that he needed to go the bathroom. So he peed in the car and than jumped out the window. We don't know exactly why he jumped, but we are thinking that he knew that it wasn't right to go the bathroom in the car. Talkabout a freek accident. What happened to him was he broke both rear-legs and a few other fractures. Unfortunetly the vet/doctor said there was nothing to do to help him. He had internal bleeding and the broken bones in his legs were so shattered that surgey was not an option. So we made a painful decision to put him down. But it was for the better.


Now, I know this accident is over, but I have never agreed with Jax riding in the car without being in a kennel, strapped in with a seat belt. I have always wanted to say something to my step-dad but never did. It is basically his dog and gets offensive when given suggestions. But I can't change this and I can't blame anyone, including my self. I believe there is a law in North Dakota that forbids people from driving in the car with there animals, unless they are strapped in. However, sadly, it isn't enforced. I will be looking into this. I hope this has shed some light on those who drive with their pets, not strapped in.


I remember someone saying on ths forum that they never thought it would be this hard to loose a pet. And I must say it is extremely painful, especially when this accident could have been avoided.


I will surely miss walking in the door and being greated by Jax, he was always excited to see me even though I don't live with my parents. Miss you buddy.

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I am so very sorry to hear about your pup....When i first got Snickers i was driving with him down the road with the window open...He decided to jump out the window.. I was in the far lane a luckily there was a divider in the road he landed in....I was able to put my hazards on and snatch him up and put him back in the vehicle...but i defenitly learned my lesson and only drive with the windows down a few inches while my dogs are in the vehicle.

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Sorry to hear this. It's like you said, it was a freak accident.


When my golden is in the car with me, I always keep the back windows up cuase i'm scared she could fall or jump out. She does have the best car behavior though, she usually just sits up in the back seat looking out the front or will lay down but i still keep the windows closed. Sometimes I'll close the moonroof too.

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I am so sorry to here such an account. It is never easy to lose a member of you family, especially in the way this tragedy played out. It was unforseen, and is truely an accident. I don't believe that was what your step-father indended to happen. I do share your concern with keeping pets more confined in a vehicle. I do support greatly the Mass General Law, that requires that your dog must be secured to two points, if they are to ride in the bed of a pickup truck. MGL Ch.90 s.22H - Link


When my golden is in the car with me, I always keep the back windows up cuase i'm scared she could fall or jump out. She does have the best car behavior though, she usually just sits up in the back seat looking out the front or will lay down but i still keep the windows closed.



I love goldens, we have two ... They just are the "Eternal Puppy" in every way.

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Sorry to hear man. When I drive with my dog I creak the window slightly, just so she gets the "smells" in.

My dog is my best friend, Im sorry man, hopefully this goes as a lesson to others. When I see dogs in the back of pickups I freak...

When I used to have a jeep I would keep my dog (boxer) and my sis' dog (great dane) in the back with a divider the great dane eventually figured out to use brute strength to rip it apart. Now with my boxer I use the seat belt attachment that holds them in place. Its better for her anyways since the moving the jerking in traffice annoys her.

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Sorry to hear man. When I drive with my dog I creak the window slightly, just so she gets the "smells" in.

My dog is my best friend, Im sorry man, hopefully this goes as a lesson to others. When I see dogs in the back of pickups I freak...

When I used to have a jeep I would keep my dog (boxer) and my sis' dog (great dane) in the back with a divider the great dane eventually figured out to use brute strength to rip it apart. Now with my boxer I use the seat belt attachment that holds them in place. Its better for her anyways since the moving the jerking in traffice annoys her.


Thanks buddy.

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Ya I never allow my windows open when Cleo is captaining the SS. I saw a similar accident where a golden retriever jumped out of a window from a car on the highway overpass, and landed on the highway underpass (for those in MA it was 495 and rt 2), a good 30-40 foot drop. And then highway traffic. I swear it was right out of a horror movie, Ill just end it their.

Sorry for your pup, my thoughts are with you, your family and your late best freind.


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Sorry to hear about your dog man...really sucks, I dont know what I would do without my pup, however he rides in the bed of my truck, unsecured and luckily I have had no problems, he doesnt even put his paws up on the bed rails, occasionally will step up on the wheel hub but thats the extent, people always ask me why he isnt secured...Like Shuan said above. I wonder if VT has such a law...


Sorry again man.

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very sorry to hear about your situation. my boxer always rides in the cab with me NEVER in the bed...and i never keep the windows down very far just far enough so she can get her head out for some fresh air.

if something happend to my dog and i could have avoided it....i wouldnt be able to live with myself...my dog is my BEST friend.


again...very sorry about what happend. :nonod:

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