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Knife Fight/attemtped Steal


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This story might help be educational for some of you, happened the first week in August when I was not a member...

Driving home from job interview, put on my hazards crossing RR tracks. Notice some dude honking his horn at me and in a school bus van waving his arms. Came to a stop sign, and he approaches my truck w/his knife open saying bad things. Grab my 6DD cell Maglite and get out of my truck and we have some serious words. He then tried to run into my drivers seat (my door was open) but fell down in the process. I then walked over him and back into my truck and pulled into the nearest Cumberland Farms. He followed me and same thing, more words and him waving his knife at my stomach, I waved my maglite at his temple and he got pissed (this guy had to be 58-66). So then a 3rd guy pulled up and says "this mother f%*ker just ran me off the road", pointing to the guy with the knife. The 3rd guy slowly made his way behind the old guy with knife and it was going to be a 2on1 free for all. But the guy with the knife looked behind and saw the 3rd dude trying to go for him subtley. The knife guy then got quickly back to his van and said he was reporting me to the cops? So i got the 3rd guys name/number and head to the police station (he has a 6 year old daughter and rides in those school van bus'). They take my info at the station, and while i was waiting for the sargeant the guy who pulled the knife walks in and starts screaming at me, then Srg. tells him to shut up. The cops take both our stories and no charges filed. Told me to be carefull and if he does anything else theyll pick him up. ON my way home I notice some dude following me and then put my hazards on for another big bump. He pulls up right next to my driver window and its the same old crazy nutbag telling me "its time to finish what has begun." In my mind, no problem. I just drove my truck straight at him and he went off the road into some sand. I then returned to the station, and they sent cruisers after him on his harley. They also told me that they know him very well, he is always haveing issues with them and he is "handicap". My question is mentally or physically? Probably both. The cops said go get some real protection, and I responded by saying Im going to the nearest gun store and looking. They were horrified.

Long story short, I watch over my mom and grandmother and have medical issues right now. I dont need this, nor does my family. I have no problem with bikers, just this guy. I now carry a goalie hockey stick in the back seat of my SS, much longer reach than a maglite and knife (except for a gun).

From what I have learned, I dont allow people to approach my truck, only fellow corvettes, ss series, denali owners or jus nice GM pickups. Any one else have crazy stories like this one? Or do I just happen to be the lucky one?

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Mines not as crazy as this but still a tad crazy.


When I was living in the greater DC/VA area I used to do alot of commuting. On this particular day I happened to be coming onto an on ramp for I495 in the Alexandria VA area. Of course it was at peak traffic time so needless to say traffic was almost at a dead standstill. That being said I'm patiently waiting to merge into traffic, the old let one go then you go and so on. So I'm waiting for the car in front of me to merge and when I start to pull forward to merge this Ahole in an F-150 about 3 cars behind me decides its a good idea to slam it in first, squeals the tires, run the red light, and squeeze in front of the car in front of me. I'm not one to get upset so I politely called him an idot to myself and continued to wait. The next thing I know this guy jumps out of his F-150 and starts approaching my S-10 very aggresively. I'm thinking "what the hell is this guy doing and what the hell does he think I did to him". Staying calm I roll up the windows and lock the doors. No need for confrontation I'll just ignore him right? He comes up to my window and starts screaming and going crazy, asking me what the hell my problem is and blah blah blah. Again I ignore him. This must have put him over the edge because he starts banging on my window and kicking my driver side door. At this point I decide enough is enough, plus I have the comfort of other drivers who have gathered around to see whats going on. So I crawl out the passenger side door putting the truck inbetween him and myself and ask him what his problem is. Again he begins ranting and raving and kicking my truck. At this point I'm pi$$ed. I walk over to him to push him away from my truck and as soon as I get close he swings on me. Well my military training must have kicked in because the next thing I remember is having other spectators pull me off this dude. I had his face planted into the pavement and his arm figure 4'd behind is back with my knee in his neck to subdue him. I'm not sure what happened between the time he swung on me and the time the others grabbed me. I was told that I hip tossed this guy head over heels and planted him in the position described before. To this day I still have no idea what his problem was nor did I hear anything from the police report I filed.


That all said, its not one of my prouder moments. It was extremely stupid to get out of the vehicle. I was young, dumb and invincible (or so I thought) at the time. In the future Ill just politely keep driving, take down his plate number and move on. Some people have serious mental/anger issues and you never know who you'll run into.

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BishopPosted Today, 01:36 PM

Some people have serious mental/anger issues and you never know who you'll run into.



:withstupid: seriously. I never have confrontations because I have some serious back issues but this guy I dont know. I am glad you had milatary training to defend yourself, I am not a weapons person but have to protect yourself.


HoltyPosted Today, 01:39 PM i'm confused on the four way flasher thing, what is that all about?

Please clear up, I will tell you what happened...

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OOO my bad, whenver I go over RR tracks picture a school bus but not stopping and looking. We have horrible grade crossings here and I always put my hazard lights on when going over big bumps, not ruining my truck/alignment over some dumb bump.



BishopPosted Today, 01:41 PM QUOTE(Holty @ Sep 3 2008, 01:39 PM) post_snapback.gifi'm confused on the four way flasher thing, what is that all about?



His truck is lowered. He's needs to take it easy on the bump stops over the tracks! haha



I wish I had the truck lowered, it has every single factory part from the plant except the speedo (cluster issue fixed). Even the original brake pads @ 63k miles (getting new ones in the next month). I baby her....

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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tip of the day: if being followed....DONT GO HOME :thumbs:



exactly, as soon as I saw the guy take 3 right turns following my truck I knew it wasnt a local person residing in the area and something was up . I would have driven by my road and done a big loop back to the station, but he drove up beside at the bump (1/4 mile away from home). I did not intend to hurt him, just get him off my a$$. Most people show respect.

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Off topic...

booth1, ill keep that in mind if we need to protect ourselves...

coolbluess, wow I thought I was going far with my original pads, you got me by many miles. Need to get some new ones tho, but their not squeeking yet, when I hear that first noise theyll be ordered.

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I just don't add fuel to the fire. I try to keep a low profile these days and it works pretty good... occasionally i will piss someone off driving but i could care less, if it really bothers them they can try to keep up, but there aren't many daily driven cars around here that will hang with my TBSS. If all else fails I always have my .40 Glock

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