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Knife Fight/attemtped Steal


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Ya I am worried if I owned a gun I would have used it...but everyone has to protect themselves if someone pulls a weapon on them. I do the same and keep a low profile and always go the speed limit, blinkers etc. The highways are my fun time but everyone seems to respect the truck and get outta the way except for those dumb ricers, they always cut me off lil $hits.

Now I know not to get out of the truck and just drive away, however this guy followed me and needed to get the police involved unfortunately. I never get them involved but this did need some law enforcement. Speak of the devil, I just saw the cop that spoke to me about the incident like 10 minutes ago and he was looking at my truck and I asked him about my strobe lights (when I can run them and if they are illegal). Wicked good policemen, just glad to have a local cop on my side.

Thank you everyone for their input on the situation. Had not seen a thread on a carjacking so thought it might be interesting to see what you guys/girls had to say. Protect your trucks!!!


Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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shit like that is exactlly why i carry a pistol ALL the time. ill be damned if some nut job is going to put me or mainly my kids in danger. walk softly and carry a big stick(or a glock) lol. i can promise you if some idiot was waving a knife at me it would have been the last thing that sob ever did.

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I had a crazy situation 1 time in the parking lot ofa mall. As I'm walking into the Mall his crazy clown about 55years old comes out from inbetween some cars getting my attention all pissed of at me so I pay no attantion to him and continue walking. I parked that day pretty far away staying away from everyone else so I would not get the sss door thinged. Well this guy comes out on noware and sucker punched me in the side of the head. My first reaction was to turn around and get a look at the guy, I see him approach me and at that point I gave that guy an ass whooping he had coming. I turned around and left the guy there laying inbetween some cars and I drove away. Following day I noticed my hand hurt like a S.O.B. I had a hair lin fracture from puntion the guy. Scary people out there, you never know what to expect now a days.

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Ya I am just glad I walked away ok. I wish I did pound that $hit into submission, just afraid I would have thrown out my back (4 herniations, 1 bulging and 3 pinched nerves). Otherwise I would have been game. Only if that 3rd guy had gotten him in a headlock...

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Stupid question......if you saw the guy coming up the side of your truck with a knife, why didn't you just drive away instead of getting out and confronting him. Whats the worst that could happen, he stands in front of your truck weilding a knife like a lunatic? Thats when you drop it in drive and flatten him. :smash:

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tip of the day: if being followed....DONT GO HOME :thumbs:


I learned my lesson on this the hard way last summer. I was driving my SUV and was on my way home from the gym around 6pm. The road I was on is two lanes in each direction but merge into one at the end before you go into a small town. Well I was coming up to the merge driving the speed limit of 45 and I watched some ass passing everyone up behind me left and right and he then pulled up to my back bumper riding my ass. Well at the merge point he decided to try passing me, but at this time the right lane was the shoulder since we were past the merge. So he's on the shoulder starting to pass me and I didn't want to make his day by passing me as well, so I hit the gas some to stay in front of him till the shoulder ends, so he was forced into being back to being in back of me. Well for the next 6 miles he rode my ass like he was attached to my trailer hitch and I just ignored him. When I got into my neighbor hood I started to realize this tool didn't live here cause the streets I was turning on are to out of the way and only those living around here would be going up. So I pull up in front of my next door neighbors house and he flew past me and pulled up in front of my car, blocking me in. I had my windows closed and he started yelling at me through his car, so I put my window down and asked him what the hell his problem was. He said that I tried to run him off the road and could of killed him. Can you F'en believe that???? In a very calm tone of voice I tried describing what I didn't do and what all he did and he started to get out of the car and kept saying he wanted to take care of this like a real man would. So I picked up my phone and called the police and at the same time someone in a passing car wanted to go up the street but couldn't cause he was blocking the street, so they started blowing on the horn and yelling at the ass to move, so he got into his car and took off.


The police took it very serious and took the make model and the three letters of the place (thats all I was able to get) and went looking for him.


Wow I'm out of breath. : )


The only other problem I had was I was on a off ramp going to my grandmas during morning rush hour traffic and some lady decided to get off the highway by driving off the shoulder and through the grass to cut in front of me, so I blew my horn and she put the car into park and got out yelling at me saying she was going to get her man to come and beat the living sh^% out of me. I just looked at here and laughed as hard as I could and that pissed her off even more. :D Her plate is Geegirl and everytime I see her, I give her the middle finger.

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Stupid question......if you saw the guy coming up the side of your truck with a knife, why didn't you just drive away instead of getting out and confronting him. Whats the worst that could happen, he stands in front of your truck weilding a knife like a lunatic? Thats when you drop it in drive and flatten him. :smash:


I could not floor it out of the stop sign because it is a 5 road intersection. Otherwise I would have dusted him and hoped a rock went through his windshield into his face. Wish I could have flattened him but I have another story of someone I know who ran someone over but it wasnt for a violent situation and his truck ended up as evidence (guy hit on his gf/fiancee).



I learned my lesson on this the hard way last summer. I was driving my SUV and was on my way home from the gym around 6pm. The road I was on is two lanes in each direction but merge into one at the end before you go into a small town. Well I was coming up to the merge driving the speed limit of 45 and I watched some ass passing everyone up behind me left and right and he then pulled up to my back bumper riding my ass. Well at the merge point he decided to try passing me, but at this time the right lane was the shoulder since we were past the merge. So he's on the shoulder starting to pass me and I didn't want to make his day by passing me as well, so I hit the gas some to stay in front of him till the shoulder ends, so he was forced into being back to being in back of me. Well for the next 6 miles he rode my ass like he was attached to my trailer hitch and I just ignored him. When I got into my neighbor hood I started to realize this tool didn't live here cause the streets I was turning on are to out of the way and only those living around here would be going up. So I pull up in front of my next door neighbors house and he flew past me and pulled up in front of my car, blocking me in. I had my windows closed and he started yelling at me through his car, so I put my window down and asked him what the hell his problem was. He said that I tried to run him off the road and could of killed him. Can you F'en believe that???? In a very calm tone of voice I tried describing what I didn't do and what all he did and he started to get out of the car and kept saying he wanted to take care of this like a real man would. So I picked up my phone and called the police and at the same time someone in a passing car wanted to go up the street but couldn't cause he was blocking the street, so they started blowing on the horn and yelling at the ass to move, so he got into his car and took off.


The police took it very serious and took the make model and the three letters of the place (thats all I was able to get) and went looking for him.


The only other problem I had was I was on a off ramp going to my grandmas during morning rush hour traffic and some lady decided to get off the highway by driving off the shoulder and through the grass to cut in front of me, so I blew my horn and she put the car into park and got out yelling at me saying she was going to get her man to come and beat the living sh^% out of me. I just looked at here and laughed as hard as I could and that pissed her off even more. :D Her plate is Geegirl and everytime I see her, I give her the middle finger.



That lady is nuts. Her man is probably made out of rubber, plastic and vibrates.


The cops took my situation not too serious, not as much as I would have liked.

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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I don't tend to have a problem around here. I mostly try to not cause a problem because my truck sticks out like a sore thumb but other than that I have my moments sometimes but never as crazy as you guys get. one day me and my mom were coming from illiniois to iowa I live by the miss. river where it literaly takes 5 mins to get to illinios from my house but anyway were coming up the on ramp to go back to iowa and its right by the bridge and I can't stop or have ample room to be nice and easy to get over it someone is being a jackass. Well surely enough this lady in a taurus didn't get over for me so I had to slam on my brakes and there was no one beside her so she didn't have an excuse not to get over so I get behind her ass full throttle and merge over blowing past honking my horn and givin her the ol friendy wave of happiness and then slow down and gently move over so my rant is done I don't like to drag things out like that unless I happen to know then and I'm screwing around with em. anyway she blows past me cuts me off and then slams on her brakes so at this point im like **** this and blow past her once more and get off at the next exit ramp cutting her off hoping to catch her off guard but she follows me and I get in the right turn lane and she drives past me waving while I give her the finger so then I start to laugh cuz she was just trying to piss me off which it worked but damn people get over when someone comes up next to you trying to merge. now I could have understood it if there was somone beside her but there wasn't so whatev.


One other time I was going home from my grandma's house from visiting for thanksgiving and im just cruising down the interstate and I go to pass people and get stuck behind this white van. so I wait for him to merge over after passing the cars but he doesn't so i'm in a good mood so I genlty merge to the right lane to pass this guy on the right and then he swiftly swerves over in front of me so I flash my lights and honk my horn and merge back over to the left lane and put the hammer down and go blowing past him doing about 80 85 in a 55 zone and I had my brother and my sis in the truck and they look over and they see a van full of bettendorf police officers which is where I live and they know my truck and me so then I'm like dam I shouldn't have done that but they were on the wrong side of the river anyway but I get off at the first exit and they did to and they stop beside me and shake there heads and drove off. I don't know if they did it because they recognize my truck and note this was shortly after I got the truck but they still cut me off. I was in a good mood and very patient but don't cut me off when I waited behind you to merge over so I could pass you as well. the cops never mentioned it to me when I got pulled over for window tint.


Some people just have really bad anger issues which I used to one of them when I was younger but I have since then mellowed out alot though I do have my moments. I carry a 3 cell maglite in my truck and its blue to match the truck haha and I joke with my friends telling them some red would really set it off nicely :).

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Some people just have really bad anger issues which I used to one of them when I was younger but I have since then mellowed out alot though I do have my moments. I carry a 3 cell maglite in my truck and its blue to match the truck haha and I joke with my friends telling them some red would really set it off nicely :)


Nice, my maglite is black same w/truck.

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Thats why i never leave home without my duty weapon or my personal weapon...ever since being over seas i dont trust many people i dont know...and always look at my surroundings..could be the police training as well

Edited by firervfd37 (see edit history)
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