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Thank You To Some N/e Sss.com Members!

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Well, thank you all who came over on Saturday and rolled up your sleeves. Got alot acomplished...Tranny, T-case, d-shaft, headers, starter, wiring, misc. items, along with some logging, lunch, plug wire install on Mark's truck... Anyway thank you again guys!


E. Mack and junior

lilmarv1117 - Tim

Rockhead - Mark

Hank42 - Hank

IH82W8 - Ashley

Fireman31 - Dan


Dan, just so you know, that was the first import to ever set tire in my driveway. :wtf: It was a landmark event that will never be done again! :chevy: Thanks for the help man. My girls are enjoying the fire goodies!


Mark, did you require any Pepto Bismol when you got home?! :fart: Thanks for logging the other guys.


Edmund Jr. - nice job on the WIN. I take it your now in 3rd looking to take over 2nd soon?


Mack - My girls thank you again for the Halloween goodies and I thank ya for the assistance.


Tim, good to meet a new SSS.com member, thank you for the help and I am sure we will be seeing you again! PM me your E-mail addy so I can forward your log to ya.


Hank, the T-case was a bitch, glad you were there to show me the correct way the fuel line bracket mounts to it. :noway:


Ashley, sorry we were done when you arrived :ughdance: Good luck at the next track event, there may be a little extra in your tune now. :thumbs:

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You're very welcome, Kevin. I really apologize for being late and not being much help, but it was really good to see you guys again.


And thank YOU, Kevin for helpin' me out - I really appreciate it.

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Dan, just so you know, that was the first import to ever set tire in my driveway. :wtf: It was a landmark event that will never be done again! :chevy: Thanks for the help man. My girls are enjoying the fire goodies!


No problem, glad I could help, you always do so much to help the rest of us out. :thumbs: I power washed my driveway last night to rid it of Honda traces, you may want to do the same. :uhoh: By the way, your daughters are a fun duo to be around.


Thanks to you and Danielle for the hospitality! Glad we could help a little.


:withstupid: you both are gracious hosts :cheers:

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Thanks to you and Danielle for the hospitality! Glad we could help a little.


Thank you both..It was a great time finally meeting more guys from the n/e with the same mod bug/interest as me...


I know I didnt help much...but next I will be sure to get dirty..haha


cannot wait till the next install/GTG again...

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I'm guessing it runs now? If so that's kick ass. When you guys have one of those meetings I want to make it out there. My wife hasn't been to PA yet and I want to get out there again anyway.



They were making fun of where I lived! :( Said it is out in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing to do. Dan made fun of the wildlife and me talking to my Owls in the trees. Glas someone appreciates the sticks of PA.


Anyway, we would love to have ya next time. There is always something to be installed. Once my truck is out of the way, Mark has some dynatechs to go in, Dan has a cam, Ed Mack has a forged 370...it never ends. I plan on an 80E conversion somewhere in the mix as well. Hell, fly out and get a rental, we can scrape a nitrous kit together and take it to the track. I think Dan's Honda would have taken a 150 shot. :jester:


The truck will fire this weekend. I screwed up and installed the wrong oil pressure sensor (plug will not fit). I will not fire it up without knowing the oil pressure. The damn of it all is that I need to pull the intake to get the old one off. The FAST intake will not let the socket slip over it. I will be posting an update soon...Idle clips to follow.

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They were making fun of where I lived! :( Said it is out in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing to do. Dan made fun of the wildlife and me talking to my Owls in the trees. Glas someone appreciates the sticks of PA..................I think Dan's Honda would have taken a 150 shot. :jester:


Are you kidding? I love where you live....it's quiet, spread out, scenic, and peaceful....much nicer then the suburban hell I live in.(we were just teasing) :thumbs: I could live without those stink bugs though. :sick:


I do have to say that you talking to the owls was very funny. :lol::P


Maybe the Honda would have taken a 150 shot, but I dont think Hertz would have approved

of it.....but there will always be a next time. :uhoh:

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