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Has Anyone Notices This?


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Well i guess im still a noob. ive been around here for a couple of years. But i only have 34 post for the most part i just sit back and read topics. I just wanted to say thanks to everybody for helping me out with all the question i have had and that is forum is great. I have never been a SA to anybody on this forum thats not water i will step in. This is a great topic and hopefully this will help some of us noobs out. it brought light to my eyes and i will now be useing the search section more. So thanks to everybody for making this forum what it is today. :)

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All is I know is I use that search button like crazy, but sometimes there are just so many pointless posts that you cant even dig through them all to find what your looking for. Most the time though you will find something, but it's also nice to ask something new instead of looking at a 3 year old post.

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I have notice alot of noobies that have been logging on to this site over the past couple of months.. ... I have really noticed alot of repeated questions. I know that we don't get alot of turn around on this site but like I was told by a member along while ago to USE THE SEARCH BUTTON its your friend!!!


What is even funnier, is if you have been here a really long time, you will see this come up once and a while :jester:

Am I getting old or what ? :sigh:

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you took the word out of my mouth. it seems some members have a bit of a arogance problem. i dont know every thing i came from a z06 to this. but when i do have a question or want some advice i dont want to get attitude or smart ass replys. but over all i love it here and like the commrodery plus ive made some cool friends on here.



What, you made friends? :jester:


Seriously though, usually when someone posts some SA remark I just don't respond. Kinda like the silent treatment. Why give them the satisfaction of a response :ninja: Overall though when you go to any get togethers, everybody is pretty cool. I just think sometimes online it's hard to really know what people emotions are when they type something.

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I just think sometimes online it's hard to really know what people emotions are when they type something.

:withstupid: Hell, the first time I used that emoticon, I said to myself "I don't want to call him stupid." You can't "hear" emotions when your typing. I go thru the same BS when my wife/son are text messaging me.


When I first joined, I didn't know there was a search button, never mind knowing what it's used for. I think a FAQ section/button will help out. As members, maybe we need to point out that there is a search button when we welcome new members.

Edited by Berry (see edit history)
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the thread i think you are speaking of, is located in the off-topic forum. maybe if it was moved to the bolt-on forum it would get more attention. :thumbs::pepsicheer:



Dude I have been here a couple of years and am on here almost daily and I didn't even know about the FAQ section, Holy Cow I need to browse the site a little more!

I think this is a great idea though. And maybe in the FAQ section there could be links to threads about these FAQs, that way new members could learn more about the site also?? just me .02

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a while back the admins had a rule in place to where noobs would have to make 5 posts before they could create a new topic, which in turn would force them to search for what they're looking for. it was kaput soon after because of the member intro section. maybe allow them to make a new topic in the member intro section, along with move the FAQ sticky there as well as keep it in the bolt on forum. i got pissed about two of the exact same questions in two different threads by two different newbs on the same day...it gets old. or an auto PM including the FAQ thread.

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