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That Soab


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After a long shopping day with my wife and her mom, I arrived home to rest...But !!!...the SOAB who lives in front of my house, bought a truck like mine :mad: ...same color, same bed, not sure about the year but it has same front end...Got Damn it !!!!!...that MF took my sleep away...Only difference I noticed is that it has chrome moldings in the doors and the bed.....


Had this ever happened to anyone???

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get nice with a crooked repo guy and have that thing towed!!!! lol



:withstupid: yup.

Ive seen within the past month 2 new lightnings and 2 srt-10 rams in my area. Funny thing is they all got them when gas prices went down. I must say tho I am pissed at one kid in town who added SS graphics to his truck, he always stares me down and I just noticed the new graphics Friday. Wouldnt have a problem if he waved, but the stares really eat away at me.... these retards race on Main St. in town so I am sure the cops will be on them like white on rice asap. The cops know me well because they love my truck and they know I dont speed. (have to get that valentine 1). I had the only sport truck in town since august 2005, and now you see them once a day. I dont like the trend I have started. Time to get a rust bucket :jester: .....keep the SS as garage queen.

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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I would think it would be sweet if one of my friends bought a truck just like mine. I have actually been trying to convince my best friend to by and SS because he likes them alot. Now a neighbor is a different story, i might not like it if one of my neighbors bought the same truck as me, luckally mine is custom enuf so no one will have the same

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this is kinda the same....a buddy of mine inherited a boat load of money....we drove my truck to FL and picked up a lighting for him...he was happy with it...now he is wanting to buy a 03 SS Black....same as mine...and since he has money to blow and i dont...he will supercharge it...NOS....that kinda bugs me a little...

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