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What To Do With My Life?


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Well, I'm only 18 but the semester's almost over and I don't have a major picked. I just have no idea what I want to do for a living. I like doing custom paint, cars/trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, etc. Being at a regular school, none of that really helps. Being a cop might be cool...maybe something with graphic design since i like to draw/paint. I dunno, anyone have any advice or anything, I'm just stuck and looking for some real world advice. What majors to stay away from/useless, all that. Thanks.

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:chevy: Hey, we have all gone though the same type of thinking at one time or another in our times. Most would say to try to do what you like to do the best. That is not always possible. If I were 18, at this time, and with the economy the way it is, and the lack of jobs in the out there, I would stay in school as long as I could and hope everything would get better when I got out. You can go to college, or technical school, both good, just go.

Resectfully, shopman1



Well, I'm only 18 but the semester's almost over and I don't have a major picked. I just have no idea what I want to do for a living. I like doing custom paint, cars/trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, etc. Being at a regular school, none of that really helps. Being a cop might be cool...maybe something with graphic design since i like to draw/paint. I dunno, anyone have any advice or anything, I'm just stuck and looking for some real world advice. What majors to stay away from/useless, all that. Thanks.
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You are going to hear this from a few of us, you are STILL young! Don't beat yourself up. Majority of students that first attend college are unsure of what they want to do. Go talk to your adviser, they should be able to lead you in the right direction. Most majors will require the same "general" classes. Continue to take those general classes and things will fall together. I am 23 and I have 3 years of college left. I have changed my major 3 times. First is was Mechanical Engineering, than I went into Marketing, and now I am in Entreprenuership. With my experience, I am enjoying college. I am in no hurry to graduate. I take 12 credits a semester which allows me to get the most out of each class. It might take me longer to graduate, but with the small class load, I am rarely stressed out like some of my friends who are taking 21 credits. I prefer to take my time and still be able to work and make money.


Good Luck!!

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hey i'm almost 28 and still don't know what i want to do with my life. just make sure you get the proper education for whatever you decide to do. i wish i would have furthered mine and did something different with my life.

Edited by thomp62301 (see edit history)
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Follow your heart, you think something might be what you want to do, then do it. Your 18, it's not like your 40. Try something for a few years, if you like it, stay with it, if not, move on.


:withstupid: You still have plenty of time to decide. It happens to many of us, I spent my first 2-1/2 years in college as a Computer Programming major, and I absolutely hated it. In that period of time, I joined my local FD, and it became a key component in my life. I switched majors and spent another 2-1/2 years studying Fire Engineering and Science. I graduated after 5 years with two A.A.S. degrees. I have been out of college for 2-1/2 years now and am still trying to get hired in my field(Fire Marshal), which is not an easy one to get into. I would be absolutely misrable if I would have chosen my first career path. I know that I will be happy with my second choice since it is a major part of my life. Point being, do what makes you happy, what you enjoy, not what someone tells you to do. Good luck with your decision, you came to the right place for moral support. :pepsicheer:

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theres tons of $hit to do but as a kid myself (20) you need to have fun for now, before i even got to highschool i was allready ALL ABOUT WORK, all i wanted to do was work 40+ every week, so i went to trade school and took electrical wiring because i could go on co-op and work insted of goto highschool classes, long story short all ive done through ans since highschool is work, things would be great if i had hooked up with a decent employer but instes i work with about 35 guys and 30 of them are compleye assholes now i hate my life and am miserable every morning when i get up


so just have fun, if you dont HAVE to work fulltime dont.. goto school who cares why but do the things you know you wont be able to when you get out into the real world

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when you don't know what to do the military is a cool route. i had no idea and i went. best 5 years of my life. joined the USMC and never regret it. my job was infantry. just remember this. do something that is going to make you happy. if drawing things and working with your hands is what you like go that route. don't let others influence you to doing something you don't want too, otherwise you will never be happy. good luck man!

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Well i will give you some advice, I have been out of college for a couple of years now, and one thing i have learned is that no college degree no matter what it is is useless. There are plenty of good jobs out there that you will be hired for just because you have a college education. My mom is a perfect example she went to college and got a degree in Medical Technology (you know those people who work in the labs at hospitals and test blood, and urine and stuff) she worked in the field for many years and loved her job but hated working weird hours, so she quit and was hired at a large window and door manufacturer as an Environmental Quality Manager, she had no experience in the field and her degree had nothing to do with Environmental management, but they hired her anyway because she was hard working and she had a college degree.


My advice to you would be to try to find something you enjoy in college, take a whole bunch of random classed, find a class you like alot and maybe go with that major. just because you get a degree in that major does not mean thats what you have to do after college.

Also you may want to look at different colleges if possible, i dont know where your going to college at but maybe thats not the place for you. I know lots of people who went off to big colleges so they could get the college experience (you know frats, parties, weed, lots of alcohol drunk girls) and they realize that they are not getting a proper education, so they transfer to a smaller college and get a much better education.


You may want to look into other forms of education like ITT TECH or something. You could always do what you love and got to mechanics school somewhere, or auto body school or something

I hope this helps, sorry its such a long reply but i figure i would pitch in my 2 cents

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I was in the same situation, but going backwards in life and hated school. I joined the army when I was 20 and planned on getting out after I fulfilled my 4yr enlistment... I still couldn't decide, so I re-enlisted for another 4 to finish up the 4yrs that the army could use to call me back in... In those 4 years I used my tuition assistance to get my welding certification at savannah tech and will be doing something when I get back to get a degree in the automotive field. My plans were to get out and go to school (was suppose to get out in apr 09), but my wife got pregnant, so I stayed in for the sake of my daughter... BTW, I have 3x the bennefits that my mom has, the Military in general has the best benefits I have ever seen. In Jan i will have 8 yrs in the army, have the option to retire at 40 and have all the education I will need to do what I live doing. My GI Bill will never get touched and will be given to my daughter when she decides to go to college. My current plans are to retire after 20 years, get another gov job and collect a 2nd retirement after 10yrs, then relax with my wife (she is currently finishing up her degree to become a teacher) who should be retireing also... living comfortably w/3 retirements, smoking weed, and enjoying life....


most of my cousins are around the same age as me.... all 4 of them averaged a 3.8GPA+ in high school and have degrees to become doctors, lawyers, and engineers, but are also head over heels in dept $60k+ and still live with their parents... I used to have a 2.1 gpa in highschool, graduated at the skin of my teeth, and hated school, but now i am the only one on my own, with MY OWN HOME, almost half way to retirement, going to school (paid for by the army) to do the things i want to do when my time comes.. The military pay aint that great, but if i can manage a mortgage, 2 vehicles, 2 cell pnones, internet/sat tv, insurance, food, and everything else it takes to live, that is all i need..





Edited by dAt_nEw_gUy (see edit history)
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Follow your heart, you think something might be what you want to do, then do it. Your 18, it's not like your 40. Try something for a few years, if you like it, stay with it, if not, move on.
What's wrong with 40? :mad::jester: Seriously, my advice would be to get your education now. Even if it's in basketweaving. It will at least get your foot in the door alot of places.
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This is my experiance. I never had the chance to go to college (brother screwed that up with big drug bust), nor did I ever really have a chance to go out and get a 9-5 since I have severe back/neck/massive nerve damage issues from a car accident and just beat some possible skin cancer. I am 24 and can be declared disable but wont. I am in the same boat bud, where to turn to and what to do? My only answer can be something that makes you happy, because if your not happy what are you? Money cant buy happiness. I never thought I would be where I am now, probably the last place I want to be. But hey, $h!t happens and move on like a souldier. Wish I could join the army or military, but I am too disabled to even try (sucks not being able too when I was going to play soccer in college). Stay in school for something for your truck, and become the next WCC (even though I cant stand that guy who owns the place).

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