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Thread Rules: Politics/religion


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OK. I understand the no political/religion type thread rules but when the thread starts off as something else(life update) or whatever and politics are spoken a little, then IMO there is no need to close the thread. It's like we live in CHINA. This site has in no way been as political as others I have been on. If we're going to lock every thread with Politics, then all the threads on gas prices and such should be closed also.


I pretty sure we all adult enough to play nice together. I'd like to get input from members, supporting members, mods, admins and such. Can we have a simple discussion on this matter?

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I agree, but you have some people that can get personal in those threads. If it goes that way then you deal with it by deleting posts, or locking/deleting threads. I'm sure the admin here would rather not deal with it, which is fine since we have 16K members on here so there's alot of areas to watch. I think the membership help out, too. Especially the one's that have been here a while. This is one of the best sites on the net as far as drama type crap, and I think it's a testament to the membership.

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Said thread was closed and I agree. It turned to a political debate and 1 of the members had been warned before about talking politics and I believe even complained about other posting about politics.

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all have been warned!


Politics And SSS.com


Yes but my point is that if the thread is totally political based and was started for that reason, I understand it being locked. BUT....if politics pop up in a thread it should not be closed. So if I posted a thread about me losing my job and it's because of the economy, the thread should not be closed.


What good is a site if we can't talk about out life on here. Sure it's a site about our trucks but we're people. We chat with people and form bonds and see those people as friends. And with friends you talk about more than just your hobbies.

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i think its good, but everyone has diffrent opinions and there will be conflicts on here and personally i dont want to make anyone mad at me or loose a friend over something like this.

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I agree alking about issues in the family, etc...should not be locked....Steves thread was about his woman losing her job and it as told to her because of the economy and new pres. elect....No political agenda in saying that it was the truth...Others took that as a slap in the face and quickly went to defend the newly elect pres. and his promise of change...I found 2 things that couldnt have said it better


I think you went in and blindly voted for Obama based on "hope and change" - meaningless words that amount to NOTHING. If you take the time and sit back and actually examine policy - and to do that you have to get off of Obama's nuts and take in the big picture - you'd begin to realize that he can't do any of these things with the backwards, regressive policies he's trying to impose.


Obama ran on a platform of "hope and change," yet all his policies are rehashes of failed policies of the past. Nothing is new. His campaign speeches were even rehashes of speeches from the 80's. There's nothing new about this guy. I take that back. The only thing new about Obama is the radical socialist policies he'll impose on America.


last but not least top 10 reasons people voted for him


10. When people become desperate, they tend to make desperate and stupid decisions. All this failing economy situations have caused people to lose their confidence in the government and somehow by proxy the administration of Bush. So what do they do? As soon as they hear Change, they all think it must be true, he isn’t a republican, he isn’t even white. This must be a good choice.

If it weren’t for these extraordinary situations would he have even been a consideration?


9. He memorized his catch phrases well “This is the final verdict on the last eight years of failed policies” Somehow the myth that this recession is Bush’s fault is preposterous. Corporate greed and bad business practices are at fault, not the de-regulation of many industries.



8. John McCain somehow = George W. Bush, its obvious McCain doesn’t like Bush, just watch some of the republican primary debates in 2000. Just because they tend to agree on certain issues and come from the same party doesn’t mean they are blood brothers. McCain disagreed on many of the decisions made in Iraq, and tried to turn the stagnant war more to a victory. He also in 2002 warned about possible failure of the major lenders.




The media didn’t highlight how since the troop surge that McCain pushed there has been less deaths in Iraq than there has been in Illinois (especially Chicago)

In just Chicago 30 homicides from Oct 10th to Oct.


In Iraq 14 US soldiers killed in the whole month of October

But apparently making last minutes globe trotting trips gives you credibility in foreign policy


6. Two words “Oprah Money,” McCain asked Obama if he would join with him and only fund their campaigns with public funds, not private. Obama said yes initially then changed his mind. So McCain kept to his word and went with the substantially smaller public funding.



5. Ignorant people voting for him just because he was black, and not caring what he stood for. Who cares if he has Marxist views on the government, I’m a minority too, I’ll vote for him, YEA.



4. Obama’s grandmother who began telling media outlets in interviews that Obama was born in Kenya mysteriously dies after a few days of revealing this possibly damaging remark. There is currently a federal lawsuit against Obama in the Pennsylvania courts because Obama has failed to produce a physical long form birth certificate. But guess what, no media coverage.



3. Sarah Palin constantly being the focus of the Media, hey guys guess what there is an election going on. If she isn’t qualified because of her short political career, guess what guys, neither is Obama, he was only in the senate for less than 4 years.


Obama would not even have won his seat in the Senate for Illinois if it the Republican incumbent would not have stepped down.


Hillary Clinton said this in an interview

“In the White House, there is no time for speeches and on-the-job training Sen. McCain will bring a lifetime of experience to the campaign, and Sen. Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002.



2. Nobody cares if you answer the questions in debates or even stay within the allotted time for answers, as long as you look good, seem comfortable, make some pretty speeches and make eye contact. Obama again and again side stepped questions posed by both McCain and the moderators and eloquently.



And the number 1 Reason.


America loves a feel good story



people dont realize or dont want to...how an election can cause economic disaster almost instantaniously...I work in the oil and gas field..and yes I am scared to death that my job will be effected by his agendas and if it does..thats a fact and not bashing the new president..


Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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first off i honestly dont give a sh*t about the governent and the BS people who run it. . . . .but this is a truck site last time i checked not some damn "myspace". . .there have beed several threads that i never thought would be posted in this type or tuck forum. somethings are to be kept to yourself so please help by not posting stupid off topic crap because this isnt your "myspace". . . .have a good day

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first off i honestly dont give a sh*t about the governent and the BS people who run it. . . . .but this is a truck site last time i checked not some damn "myspace". . .there have beed several threads that i never thought would be posted in this type or tuck forum. somethings are to be kept to yourself so please help by not posting stupid off topic crap because this isnt your "myspace". . . .have a good day



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first off i honestly dont give a sh*t about the governent and the BS people who run it. . . . .but this is a truck site last time i checked not some damn "myspace". . .there have beed several threads that i never thought would be posted in this type or tuck forum. somethings are to be kept to yourself so please help by not posting stupid off topic crap because this isnt your "myspace". . . .have a good day




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I agree alking about issues in the family, etc...should not be locked....Steves thread was about his woman losing her job and it as told to her because of the economy and new pres. elect....No political agenda in saying that it was the truth...Others took that as a slap in the face and quickly went to defend the newly elect pres. and his promise of change...I found 2 things that couldnt have said it better


I think you went in and blindly voted for Obama based on "hope and change" - meaningless words that amount to NOTHING. If you take the time and sit back and actually examine policy - and to do that you have to get off of Obama's nuts and take in the big picture - you'd begin to realize that he can't do any of these things with the backwards, regressive policies he's trying to impose.


Obama ran on a platform of "hope and change," yet all his policies are rehashes of failed policies of the past. Nothing is new. His campaign speeches were even rehashes of speeches from the 80's. There's nothing new about this guy. I take that back. The only thing new about Obama is the radical socialist policies he'll impose on America.


last but not least top 10 reasons people voted for him


10. When people become desperate, they tend to make desperate and stupid decisions. All this failing economy situations have caused people to lose their confidence in the government and somehow by proxy the administration of Bush. So what do they do? As soon as they hear Change, they all think it must be true, he isn’t a republican, he isn’t even white. This must be a good choice.

If it weren’t for these extraordinary situations would he have even been a consideration?


9. He memorized his catch phrases well “This is the final verdict on the last eight years of failed policies” Somehow the myth that this recession is Bush’s fault is preposterous. Corporate greed and bad business practices are at fault, not the de-regulation of many industries.

8. John McCain somehow = George W. Bush, its obvious McCain doesn’t like Bush, just watch some of the republican primary debates in 2000. Just because they tend to agree on certain issues and come from the same party doesn’t mean they are blood brothers. McCain disagreed on many of the decisions made in Iraq, and tried to turn the stagnant war more to a victory. He also in 2002 warned about possible failure of the major lenders.


The media didn’t highlight how since the troop surge that McCain pushed there has been less deaths in Iraq than there has been in Illinois (especially Chicago)

In just Chicago 30 homicides from Oct 10th to Oct.


In Iraq 14 US soldiers killed in the whole month of October

But apparently making last minutes globe trotting trips gives you credibility in foreign policy


6. Two words “Oprah Money,” McCain asked Obama if he would join with him and only fund their campaigns with public funds, not private. Obama said yes initially then changed his mind. So McCain kept to his word and went with the substantially smaller public funding.

5. Ignorant people voting for him just because he was black, and not caring what he stood for. Who cares if he has Marxist views on the government, I’m a minority too, I’ll vote for him, YEA.

4. Obama’s grandmother who began telling media outlets in interviews that Obama was born in Kenya mysteriously dies after a few days of revealing this possibly damaging remark. There is currently a federal lawsuit against Obama in the Pennsylvania courts because Obama has failed to produce a physical long form birth certificate. But guess what, no media coverage.

3. Sarah Palin constantly being the focus of the Media, hey guys guess what there is an election going on. If she isn’t qualified because of her short political career, guess what guys, neither is Obama, he was only in the senate for less than 4 years.


Obama would not even have won his seat in the Senate for Illinois if it the Republican incumbent would not have stepped down.


Hillary Clinton said this in an interview

“In the White House, there is no time for speeches and on-the-job training Sen. McCain will bring a lifetime of experience to the campaign, and Sen. Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002.



2. Nobody cares if you answer the questions in debates or even stay within the allotted time for answers, as long as you look good, seem comfortable, make some pretty speeches and make eye contact. Obama again and again side stepped questions posed by both McCain and the moderators and eloquently.

And the number 1 Reason.


America loves a feel good story

people dont realize or dont want to...how an election can cause economic disaster almost instantaniously...I work in the oil and gas field..and yes I am scared to death that my job will be effected by his agendas and if it does..thats a fact and not bashing the new president..


:withstupid: Well said.
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first off i honestly dont give a sh*t about the governent and the BS people who run it. . . . .but this is a truck site last time i checked not some damn "myspace". . .there have beed several threads that i never thought would be posted in this type or tuck forum. somethings are to be kept to yourself so please help by not posting stupid off topic crap because this isnt your "myspace". . . .have a good day




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