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Spared This Thanksgiving!


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I've been overhearing 'noise' this last couple weeks that my gf's mother and grandparents want to have us over for Thanksgiving; nothing concrete, just cell-phone chatter. And it's important because I have not Met The Fockers yet, although they've heard all about me apparently. Except I have met Heather's mom, once - Heather introduced us about 6-weeks ago. And this is all important because just like all the other MIL's of my past this woman took an instant dislike to me, we were off on a poor footing with each other right on schedule in about 5-minutes. Our "repoire" began with the MIL taking a deep breath and opening with, "So Heather tells me you do things? with computers???"


I made the rookie move of letting my guard down, big goofy smile and answering like an excited puppy, "Yes! That's right, I do..."


She came back in the same breath, "Well, 7-years ago *my* brother made a progam, and he sold it to Microsoft for $1-million and they hired him too, he's been working there ever since. You know if you stick to it you can really make the computer thing work for you," she comfortingly sneered.


Bitch. Oh pardon me, I meant to say: Assumptive Bitch.


I just let it go in the moment, I did not take the bait and get into that whole routine where you plead your case as to why you're qualified to seriously date her daughter. Whatever. Sorry to see once again MIL jokes exist for good reason.


These last couple weeks the inevitable Thanksgiving afternoon with the in-laws has been approaching like a coming root canal appointment, and like drag racing Life is a huge preparation game, so I've been polishing my great snide comback to bitch-slap Heather's mom back down to size after our last "conversation". I was totally expecting to have to meet and greet and get chummy with the rest of the in-laws tomorrow. But Heather just told me a few hours ago that her family won't be able to make it for a visit tomorrow. Damn the luck. :jester:


Happy Turkey Day Everybody. And go easy on your in-laws. :cheers:


Mr. P. :)

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Sorry to here that she doesn't like you. I can't say that i have ever had issues with my in laws. hell they treat me better than their kids sometimes, lol. But I can see with my brother how hard it is to have tension between parents and the person you care about. Although I'd have to say my brother is an idiot and has never been with anyone who has any substance with the exception of his first wife, but 2nd shift broke that marriage.... Any who I hope things better with you guys. If not .... F@ck em, feed em fish heads :cheers:

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Wow, thats a welcomed miss. Less stress for ya now and more turkey and beers :thumbs: .

holidays are not my thing......for instance, I just came back from warming my truck up for 20 minutes and driving around my neighborhood for another 10.......now its time to make plans on the train layout and drain a case of liquids.

I am the type who likes to keep quiet and prove people wrong when they least expect it. My truck is a good example of this. My guidance couselor always told me I was a waste and would be nothing in life, then she saw my truck and was f*in horrified (lives on same street). Her son (my age), has now bought a dodge and is modding it out :crackup: . Im laughing because she must be pissed I influenced her son :cool: .

I believe keep to yourself if you can resist, and she will be slammed one day.

Happy thanksgiving (sorry for the hijack).

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...now its time to make plans on the train layout ...

I've SOOOO wanted to do this for YEARS; I want to make a Christmas tree pedestal like say 2.5-ft high that is a HO or N gauge layout, maybe 3-ft deep by 5-ft wide and you insert the tree in the middle, and multi-level with a pond, waterfall, and trestle...


Mr. P.

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...I can't say that i have ever had issues with my in laws. hell they treat me better than their kids sometimes, lol...quote]

I've always enjoyed great relationships with the father-in-laws (ans still do), it's the MILs that have been the issue.


Mr. P. :)

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Always good to start off on the right foot with Mother just in time for the holidays, Steve :D . I guess she wasn't Miss Congeniality back in her pageant days :wtf:

So,guess no mother/daughter threesome anytime soon. :jester:


You'll still have a Happy Thanksgiving :thumbs:



BTW, any pics of Mother? :crackup:

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Thats nothing. Last Christmas my good for nothing FIL and his dirt bag son, my bro in law. Finally gave me all I could stand. My MIL wanted a family picture cause all of her children were present. This picture has only been done once before in 30 years. The younger Bil refused and wanted to leave. I told him to take the picture or he'd have to get thru me to leave. :idiot: Well he did not like that. Neither did FIL. I did my best to entice the 2 into a fight after the two started yelling and cussing at me. They talked all kinds a crap but would not do a thing. My fil did raise his fist to my wife and when he did I almost killed him.


I did get to give his prescription drug addicted, sorry, good for nothing, lazy ass, a piece of my mind though. Also I never have to go back again. :D My wife backed me up %100

We had Christmas dinner at the homeless shelter where my sister in law works. :cool:


I have offered to buy my motherinlaw a car and rent her an apartment if she'd leave him. I even offered to have him removed by the sheriffs dpt. :pimp: Her life would be so much better with out the leach that has been sucking the life out of her and abusing her and her children for 31 years.

My father in law is one of the lowest forms of life possible.


Now the bil is selling drugs. I predicted this when he was 11 years old. :puke:

Thats ok though it wont be long and he will be in jail. :wink:


At least they live 500 miles from me.


On anther crazy note. My only brother, so desperate for a woman is in the Philippines to get married. This retard has never been out of the country or even on a plane before this. The girl he is going to marry has 2 kids a 5 year old and a 5 month old. He has been talking to her for over a year. :sigh: I knew there was a reason I moved far away from all of my family.

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Sorry to here that she doesn't like you. I can't say that i have ever had issues with my in laws. hell they treat me better than their kids sometimes, lol. But I can see with my brother how hard it is to have tension between parents and the person you care about. Although I'd have to say my brother is an idiot and has never been with anyone who has any substance with the exception of his first wife, but 2nd shift broke that marriage.... Any who I hope things better with you guys. If not .... F@ck em, feed em fish heads :cheers:
:withstupid: I get along great with my in laws. My FIL is a weird ass artist, but my wife knows this, so it's cool. :crackup:
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