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Question For All You Gamers........

ImpoSStor SS

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i like xbox360 just cause...but ps3 have so many more games and a better system but they cost alot more...i like the wii as well...the wii was made for the younger ppl but they have a few fun games like mario cart....ps3 has role playing games....like the final fantasy's....wii has all the old school games....xbox360 has alot that are like the regular xbox...i would say ps3 if i had the money...if not then its a toss up for wii vs 360

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For what you get, I say PS3. I use mine for blu-ray movies(1080p) and games. If you've got a true HD TV(1080p) then you need a PS3 if you like movies. nothing like blu-ray dvds. Plus a ton of games. It plays PS2 and PS3 games. I got a ton of PS2 games off eBay for nearly nothing. But for kids and groups of people(3 or more) they say the wii is best. I've thougth about getting one, but still on the fence. The PS3 keeps me busy enough and I don't lime to throw away cash these days with the way things are. :cheers:

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There are crossover games that are relaitvly the same for every console, but I would say on the whole, wii is more of an involvement console rather than a skillful one. Most of the wii games are super simple low graphics games that are meant to draw you in with there simplicity and activness. Unless you are under 12 or over 50 (not including females, they love wii at any age...) you will find yourself tired of it with a few weeks.

I haven't turned mine on in over a year. I'm an rpg and fps game junky so I want games with more substance. Ones that require more brain use than flicking my wrist. I 'm stuck on the 360 just because of Oblivion and Halo. Don't get me wrong I have a ps3 also but I use it far less than the 360.

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i'd say every system has their pros and cons. i have the 360,ps3 and wii and like all three for different reasons. games are pretty much the same across the board. i think the wii is a good choice. the game variety is pretty good, plus you can download retro games from a bunch of old systems. i could go all day about this but i'm going to have to hold back since im at work.

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For the money, X-box 360 , I bought one for my 13yr old son last Christmas, I play it every chance I get, I never thought I'd care for playing online with others,,boy was I wrong,,I've been known to play 4 or 5 hrs at a time,,, I can't get enough Call of Duty4. :M16: online it's a blast, Got the new Call of Duty under the tree, can't wait till Dec25th, lol

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